ATTENTION, PEOPLE!! IMPORTANT KNOWLES FAMILY UPDATE!!! Aunt Solange and Blue Ivy are spending quality time together!!! Solange Knowles took Blue Ivy to the museum the other day, which I'm sure you're dying to know more about. Is this gonna be their special thing that they do together? Are Blue and Juelz, like, totally bonding? Most importantly, are there pictures???
The answers to those respective questions are as follows: I certainly hope that more auntie/niece time is to follow, if only to satisfy my own selfish desire to write about it. I'm sure Juelz is loving the unconditional adoration that comes with the big cousin role. And, yes, there are pictures. Pictures aplenty. Mysterious pictures.
Judging from Solange's Instagram, it looks like she, husband Alan Ferguson, son Juelz, and niece Blue Ivy took a trip to the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles on Monday. One of the photos depicts a pigtailed Blue, shot from behind and shrouded in mystery — as usual — checking out an installation that involves various piles of coiled lightbulbs. She stands with one hip slightly cocked, in a stance that says, "Where should I hang these? I really should've sprung for the interior decorator."
As previously stated, Blue Ivy's signature photo pose is the back-view silhouette shot. Everybody knows that! Part of this has to do with the fact that she's a toddler, and parents love to pull the photo sneak-attack when their child's back is turned. But another reason is that Blue is an enigma. You are not worthy of gazing upon her face. Without further ado, here is a brief history of Blue Ivy being photographed when she's not looking.
That Time She Went "Uppy"
Blue enjoys the most thrilling sensation ever to occur in a toddler's life: swinging from mom and dad's arms.
Her Yuletide Cheer Delivered Via Silhouette Picture
You know who this little girl is.
That Time She Went To Mom & Dad's Show
People walking behind her were all, "Can it be?? Is it really her???"
When She Rocked This Sick Custom Jacket
Everything you need to know is written on her back.
That Time She Wore A Bowler Hat
It's like that Magritte painting! Sorta.
That Time She Went To The Beach
No pictures, please.