Alec Baldwin Hated 'Rock of Ages': 7 Other Celebrities Who Dissed Their Own Movies
The cast of Rock of Ages wanted nothin' but a good time... and Alec Baldwin wanted nothing to do with Rock of Ages. Alec Baldwin hated this rock musical... which is really too bad, because Baldwin also happened to star in it. According to reports, Baldwin hated Rock of Ages so much that he pegged producers to replace him before shooting started. But producers couldn't replace the Baldwin brother, and Baldwin stayed slated into his role as Bourbon Room club owner Dennis Dupree. The film ended up being a dud, making only $38 million in the box office domestically. (Seems Baldwin was right in trying to back out!)
But Baldwin is hardly the only celeb to diss his own work. Here's a rundown of the stars who have publicly stated that they've hated their own projects.
Michael Bay Apologized for 'Armageddon'
The Transformers director may not be known for making critically acclaimed films, but we'd never expect Michael Bay to apologize for one of his own movies. Michael Bay publicly apologized for his 1998 disaster film Armageddon, telling The Miami Herald, "I will apologize for Armageddon, because we had to do the whole movie in 16 weeks... It was a massive undertaking. That was not fair to the movie. I would redo the entire third act if I could." Okay, but if you're going to apologize for Armageddon, how about apologizing for Bad Boys II?
Jim Carrey Wouldn't Promote 'Kick-Ass 2'
Jim Carrey played Colonel Stars and Stripes, a vigilante superhero, in the epically violent sequel to Kick-Ass. Yet, after the Sandy Hook shootings, Carrey had a change of heart. He tweeted: “I did Kickass a month b4 Sandy Hook and now in all good conscience I cannot support that level of violence". Carrey did not attend any of the press events promoting Kick-Ass 2.
Katherine Heigl Called 'Knocked Up' Sexist
Katherine Heigl knocked her rom-com Knocked Up for being "a little sexist". According to an interview with Vanity Fair in 2008, "It paints the women as shrews, as humorless and uptight, and it paints the men as lovable, goofy, fun-loving guys." Later, Heigl also took a swing at the medical drama that made her famous, Grey's Anatomy. When asked why she dropped out of the 2008 Emmy Race, she criticized the Grey's Anatomy writers for not giving her good enough material to work with.
Bill Murray Got Really Confused
Bill Murray has voiced some serious regrets about lending his voice to the animated orange cat in the 2004 film Garfield. Why did he take on the role in the first place? Apparently, he thought that he was making a Coen Brothers film... only to realize later that the script was penned by a Joel Cohen, not Coen.
Mark Wahlberg Blamed 'The Happening's Trees
Any audience who actually saw The Happening would have to agree with its star, Mark Wahlberg. During a press conference for his (actually good) movie The Fighter, Wahlberg recalled a conversation he had about an (actually terrible) movie he did: "It is what it is. F***ing trees, man. The plants. F*** it. You can’t blame me for not wanting to try to play a science teacher. At least I wasn’t playing a cop or a crook." Finally, someone as confused about The Happening as you were.
Christopher Plummer Hated 'The Sound of Music'
Mr. Von Trapp was an iconic role for Plummer in The Sound of Music, but don't expect him to hum along to the soundtrack any time soon. Plummer apparently hated the sentimental mush of the movie musical and even took to calling it "The Sound of Mucus." Ouch.
George Clooney Says No to Nipples
Before Christian Bale — and, now Ben Affleck — donned the Caped Crusader's costume, George Clooney made Batman & Robin, a truly terrible addition to the Batman franchise. Clooney hates the movie so much that he keeps a photo of himself as Batman to remind himself of what happens when you make a movie solely for the purpose of making money. Now, Clooney makes movies for the purpose of winning Oscars.