Depending on who you ask, the Easter bunny is either the most hilarious thing on the planet, or it's the most terrifying... and I feel like the same can be said for these Flirtmoji NSFW bunny sutra emojis. Yes, that's right. The company that has dedicated itself to improving the wild world of sexting with its sexually explicit emoticons is at it again, this time adding adorable, cartoon bunnies in various stages of copulation to its collection of free dirty downloads. This being the same company that brought you green leprechaun penises for St. Patrick's Day and humping reindeers around Christmas, did you really expect anything less?
While Flirtmoji's array of Easter emojis isn't quite as various or graphic as some of its other holiday selections (the dildo menorah remains one of the funniest things I think I have ever seen in my life), these pastel-colored rabbits going at it like, uh, rabbits are still guaranteed to make this the sexiest Easter you've ever had (which I guess isn't saying much, considering the sexiest part about Easter up until this point has been you lapping up the center of a Cadbury Creme Egg with your tongue). Who knows? If used correctly, these little guys might even inspire a post Easter romp! Just be careful not to send any to, like, your mom by mistake when shooting off your obligatory "Happy Easter" text. No one wants to have that conversation with their parents on Easter.
Anyway, I digress. Here's what these emoji bunnies look like:
Flirtmoji's bunny sutra collection is free to download, and while you're on its site, you might as well browse through some of its other non-holiday-specific sexting offerings. Designed by artist Katy McCarthy, these sex positive Flirtmojis run the gamut of being anatomically correct to just plain punny (the booty call emoji is actually a booty making a call), and they're the perfect go-to for when you simply can't find the right words to express yourself (or, alternatively, when you want to leave other people speechless). Even if you aren't into sexting, these guys are pretty hilarious, so go ahead and check them out. You and your sexting partner may never look at the Easter bunny the same way again, but guys? It's so worth it.
Images: Matt Reinbold/Flickr; Flirtmoji; Giphy