Unless you've been living under a rock these past few months, you know that The CW's freshman superhero series The Flash has been absolutely killing it lately. Not only have we been treated to a Flash and Arrow crossover, but fans have also gotten a good look at Gorilla Grodd and Harrison Wells' rather complex backstory. Oh, and did I mention there's also time-jumping involved? So yeah, it's pretty amazing. Which is why my heart sank upon realizing that there is no new episode of The Flash this week. (Seriously, what gives, writers?) Like various other shows this week, The Flash has taken a very brief hiatus for the week of Easter, probably assuming many fans will be far too busy stuffing their faces with chocolate bunnies to really have much time for anything else. (Please note that I will be one of those people. No judging.)
But fear not, Flash-watchers, for our favorite red speedster will be back the following week on April 14 with a brand new episode, titled "All Star Team Up." And while seven days may still feel a little too far away for comfort, you can at least take heed in knowing that this series plans on making it well worth the wait. Why's that, you may ask? Here's exactly what you can look forward to when this Central City gang returns.
It Will Serve As Another Arrow Crossover
That's right, folks — Ray and Felicity will be dropping by (very literally in Ray's case), hoping that S.T.A.R. Labs can help them with a few issues they're having with the A.T.O.M. suit, which I'm sure Cisco is going to FREAK OUT over. Also, anyone else super excited to see what Barry makes of Felicity's new beau? That girl certainly does have a type.
Food Is Involved
I mean, a group dinner party? Yes please! But don't let those smiles fool you. According to the episode synopsis, this night out between Barry, Felicity, Ray, Iris, and Eddie quickly "turns into a disaster." So make of that what you will. But everyone sure looks great!
There Will Be Lots Of Hot Men In Uniforms
Whether you're team Olicity or Raylicity, there's no denying that the A.T.O.M. is very easy on the eyes.
Some Of Which Are Extremely Form Fitting
Looking good, Mr. Allen.
Two Words: Robotic Bees
Walking Dead's Emily Kinney will guest star as a meta human named Brie Larvin, who "unleashes hundreds of robotic bees to attack and kill her former co-workers." Looks like they have a very unhappy ex-employee on their hands. But honestly, robotic bees sound pretty awesome. Can't wait to see those bad boys in action.
You'll Be On the Edge Of Your Seat
Of course, I don't love the sight of Barry being in danger, but it just further proves how positively gripping this episode in particular is bound to be. Plus, we know he'll be alright. When the show is named after you, your odds of survival are pretty decent.
Next Tuesday seriously can't get here soon enough.
Images: Cate Cameron/The CW (7)