'Mad Men' Can't End Without These 8 Things

It's almost all over. We're entering the final episodes of Mad Men and come summer we will have said goodbye to our favorite ad executives for good. But before SC&P closes its doors, Mad Men Season 7 needs to answer some questions, besides "What will the world be like without a yearly dose of Don Draper?" because I don't even want to think about that. Not yet, anyway. This show has been so many things to so many people and the way the story has played out is nothing short of brilliant. Mad Men creator and showrunner Matthew Weiner has done whatever he wanted to do and proved that good TV should be unpredictable, but that it also doesn't need explosive drama to achieve that goal. Sure, there have been shocking deaths and couplings, but for the most part, this has been a peek into the life of a very sad, dark, and strangely fascinating man: Don Draper.
The final season (which is actually the second half of season seven), has seven episodes. That's it. This means there's a whole lot of resolutions the fans will need before the finale credits roll if Weiner wants to avoid a rage rampage on Twitter. There are loose ends that need to be tied up. And here are the eight biggest ones.
1. Are Don and Megan Really Over?
In the mid-season finale, Don and Megan said a very heavy goodbye over the phone. But it wasn't just to end the call, it seemed to be the end of their marriage. But are they done for good? It certainly seems that way, but nothing is certain until the credits roll.
2. Will There Be More Bert Hallucinations?
I am still utterly baffled by the strange music-and-dance number performed by Bert post-death, 100 percent imagined by Don Draper. It was whimsical and fun, sure, but so out of place, if you ask me. Will Bert continue to haunt Don? Or have we really laid him to rest?
3. Will Joan Ever Find Love?
Bob Benson proposed to Joan and offered her a lavish life if she'd play his decoy wife at a time when an executive could not be an out gay man. If you recall, she awesomely said "no" because she would rather hold out for love than settle for "some arrangement." She has been with some serious d-bags over the years and it's clear that she really wants love to go with her newfound power, so it would be nice to see her get everything she wants in the end.
4. Will Betty Ever Just Be Happy?
Betty has always been miserable. I'm not sure she knows what happy even feels like. Is this her fate? To never be satisfied? I hope not. I mean, she can be pretty terrible, but she's also interesting and misery shouldn't be anyone's permanent state. Not even Betty's.
5. Will They Finally Get Rid of Jim?
Jim is THE WORST. They almost got rid of him in the last episode of Season 7 Part 1 when they were bought out by a competitor thanks to Roger's move to protect the company and Don's job. It seemed like they were finally rid of Jim when he refused to sign the contract, but then he decided to cave. (Money is a hell of a drug.) Hopefully they'll push him out before the show ends.
6. Will Megan Survive?
There have been TONS of theories that Megan will die before the show ends. If she and Don do split up, I'm not even sure how much we'll see her. But because of the buzz, we need to know if she makes it out of Hollywood alive.
7. Will Don Find Peace?
He's a seriously tortured guy, and this is his story, so I'm really hoping we see him strong and healthy and happy. Whatever "happy" looks like for him.
8. Will Peggy End Up As The BOSS?
Peggy's is far the most important plot line in the series. Don's great and all, but Peggy needs, NEEDS to end up on top. She's insanely talented and demands respect from her peers. That means she's an unstoppable boss who will end up with her own company one day. Right? Please say yes, Mad Men writers.
Image: Frank Ockenfels 3/AMC; Giphy (8)