21 Undeniable Truths 'Friends' Knows About Food

I think we can all agree that the world was a better place because Friends was in it. Thanks to the almighty Netflix, we never have to live without it. Though I was a youngin' when Friends first premiered, I grew up with the show and, as I've gotten older, I've come to appreciate so much more about it: the complicated world of dating in your 20s, the exhausting process of figuring out your career, the scary nature of trying to stand on your own two feet, and, when all is said and done, the only thing that makes it all better is food. Of all the things Friends did well, its consistent portrayal of the power of food to really bring people together is spot-on.
It's not just the Friends Thanksgiving episodes where Monica, Joey, Chandler, Ross, Phoebe, and Rachel gather around to worship at the altar of carbs, cheese, and chocolate. Throughout the entire series, Friends showcased just how much of our lives revolve around eating — which is true of the closest friend groups I've ever had. The friends who eat together, stay together.
Here are 21 more undeniable truths Friends taught us about food. Enjoy!
The Greatest Food Group is Sandwiches
Priorities. Get them.
Eating Cheesecake Off of the Floor is Completely Acceptable
I'd do it.
Turkey Goes With Everything
Even comically oversized sunglasses!
Never Apologize For Indulging
Whoever heard of "too much pudding?"
Thanksgiving Leftovers Are Sacred
One of the few instances where everyone agreed with Ross. His reaction was 100 percent valid.
There is a Special Layer in Dante's Inferno For Friends Who Do This To You
Calcium is an Important Part of Your Daily Diet
Way to hit that daily reccommended amount, Joey.
The Way You Like Your Mashed Potatoes is the Way You Live Your Life
Mashed with lumps? With carrots and peas? Without lumps? TATER TOTS?
Pregnancy Cravings are Real
So Are The Munchies
Even more real.
There is No Substitute for Real Chocolate
Monica's face says it all.
Tomatoes are Sensual
Nothing rekindles a romance quite like pasta sauce.
And Jam is Erotic
When I dip, you dip, we dip.
There Ain't No Shame in Nestle Toll House
Or Nessle Toulousse.
Maternity Wear is Really for Food Babies
Joey Tribbiani, pioneer.
The Only Reason for Travel is Giant Toblerones
Duty Free, y'all!
Eating is Acceptable Everywhere
Bologna? Good. Pickles? Good. Showers? GOOOOD.
Cake Can Heal All Wounds
No matter what, Joey.
Food Challenges You in Unexpected Ways
Climb it!
But it Especially Challenges Your Friendships
If it's made with love.. .and beef... you have to eat it.
And Is a Testament of Your love
Don't we all want someone who would drink the fat for us?
Images: NBC(3) PopSugar(3), ReactionGifs, Giphy, youngisthan, Giphy, Buzzfeed (2), WeHeartIt, pickapick/ Tumblr, Giphy, veganpizzafuckyeah; fyeahfriendsgifs;captaincurnon, drake-ramoray /Tumblr