Are These Beard Extensions For Real?

Though I assume (and desperately hope) this is an April Fool's prank, beard extensions are officially here and they are beautiful and horrifying to behold. Beardbrand, the source for all your facial hair grooming needs, clearly knows not what it has unleashed onto the world. The company, whose products typically center around he more normal items of beard oils and grooming kits, posted a new foray into hair extensions on their site this morning, called the "Yeard-EZ."
For the uninitiated facial hair novices out there (which, trust me, is probably for the best), a "yeard" is the amount of beard growth a man can achieve over the course of one year. So these extensions should take you from a paltry and patchy 3-month mountain man to an impressive Rip Van Winkle-esque luxury in no time flat.
These beard enhancers also come in an array of colors to match any hair hue, including salt and pepper and strawberry blonde. According to the site, these bad boys are made from real donated beards and will clip right into your pre-existing stubble of any length, so you can start rocking a yeard just in time for that hot date tonight.
I don't know about you, but these extensions are giving me major Denzel flashbacks (from America's Next Top Model of his haunting beard weave that always seemed a little too much like a chin toupée. While I'm all for a man who prides himself on the robustness of his crumb catcher, let's all hope that this is a look that never even comes close to catching on.
Images: Beardbrand (2)