Drake may have just released his fourth mixtape, If You're Reading This It's Too Late, but apparently that doesn't mean he is slowing down at all or taking any kind of a break. Our boy Drake plans to open a pop-up shop in Los Angeles, because Drizzy doesn't need a moment to relax and smell the roses. Like, wow dude. You're making the rest of us look bad, especially those of us who spend most weekends with our good friends Couch and Netflix. Maybe you've heard of them? The store will be called OVO, and, although its the first time he's trying out the concept in the United States, he has done it once before in Toronto — so hopefully the kinks are all worked out.
It's not clear exactly what the store will be selling, but it will be open for the majority of April. So, basically, you have plenty of chances to cruise on by and let us know what kind of merch they're hawking. (Can I pull off that phrasing? No? Oh well.) According to Drake's Instagram post making the announcement, the store will be opening this Saturday, Apr. 4, at 112 1/2 S. La Brea Ave. in LA, from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday, and noon to 6:00 p.m. on Sundays.
So now you know the days and the hours you can come through. The only thing left to determine is what kind of people you're gonna see there. And we think we have it nailed down to these nine specific types.
The Drake-spert
That's a word for an expert on Drake, and it's in the dictionary. (Don't actually bother looking it up.)
The Fair-Weather Fans
They know one or two of his songs and they feel very, very culturally relevant about it.
The One Who's Dressed Like Diet Drake
Technically that's the scientific term for "Justin Bieber", but it could be referring to anyone.
Chris Brown In Disguise
Checking out the competish, but would never in a million years want anyone to know he set foot in there.
The Ones Hoping To Run Into Drake
He's probably working behind the counter in an apron and rolled up sleeves, right? Or am I thinking of an old-timey soda fountain employee?
Your Mom
She really liked him in Degrassi and isn't it wonderful that he's such a nice Jewish boy who loves his mother?
The One Who Thinks It's A Concert
Easily identified because they'll be wandering around looking for scalped tickets and asking if anyone knows what time this thing is getting started.
Members Of Aaliyah's Estate
Hard to get Drake on the phone, so they just wanted to swing by in person and remind him to cool it.
His Old High School Classmates
Happy to remind you that they knew Drake back when he was still Aubrey Graham.
Images: giphy (9)