7 Ryan Reynolds Quotes About Blake Lively & Their Daughter, Because He's The Sweetest Man Alive
We get it, Ryan Reynolds. You're a perfect human being who is a great father and husband. Stop saying such sweet things. OK, not really. Please keep up the adorableness that comes with you being a new a father and an amazing husband to Blake Lively. Have you ever noticed since Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively welcomed daughter James into the world, he can't stop gushing about his family? Seriously, the man can't help but say sweet words about his wife and chid. It's really the best.
So, why roundup of some of Reynolds' family quotes that prove he is the most amazing and kindest man in the entire world? You're welcome.
Reynolds Doesn't Even Care He's Losing Sleep
Reynolds and Lively have given up on sleep, but that’s OK. “There have been times where I woke up, literally had no idea I had been walking for five minutes,” he told E! News. “But you love it. You wake up in the middle of the night, you got a big stupid smile on your face. I was telling someone else that. Anything else that woke you up every 45 minutes, you’d kill it. But when it’s a baby, it’s the best thing that ever happened to you.”
He Loves His Wife Even More Now
Reynolds also told E! News that having a baby is life-changing, especially when it comes to his love for Lively. “When that happens you fall so much more in love with your partner. It’s a pretty crazy experience.”
James Has All Of Ryan's Heart
The actor admits James has him “wrapped around her finger.” Also, the thing he’s most excited about? He told Jimmy Fallon, “I can’t wait. It’s just going to be teatime every day with her.”
Exhaustion & Love Go Hand-in-Hand
Again, Reynolds has no worries about losing sleep. He told People, “It’s amazing that you can be that exhausted and that happy at the same time.”
Ryan's Love For Blake Is Too Cute For Words
Pregnancy and becoming a mom has really made Reynolds fall even more in love with Lively. He told David Letterman, “It’s amazing. I’m not one for vomiting declarations of sentiment out across the airwaves, but when we had that baby, I fell more in love with my wife than I’d ever been in my entire life. I couldn’t even believe it.”
Having A Baby Is Out Of This World
In an interview with E! News, Reynolds said pregnancy and childbirth is out of this world. “What blows my mind is that it’s so common yet it’s so profound at the same time. Something so many people do.”
Sorry, Blake, But He'd Save James Over You
Lastly, does it get more sentimental than this? Reynolds revealed to Letterman, “I used to say to [Blake], ‘I would take a bullet for you. I could never love anything as much as I love you.’ I would say that to my wife. And the second I looked in that baby’s eyes, I knew in that exact moment that if we were ever under attack, I would use my wife as a human shield to protect that baby.”