12 Silly Quotes To Celebrate April Fools' Day

Some days you're the Jim, and some days you're the Dwight in the Dunder Mifflin we call life. On April 1, we're all terrified of becoming the Dwight, and of getting publicly punked in front of coworkers or friends. So to put your mind at ease — or at least get you in the appropriate silly mood needed to face the twists and turns this celebrated day of pranks inevitably has up its sleeve — here are some April Fools' Day quotes to get you in the right frame of mind.
Look, I get that being the butt of someone’s joke isn’t always a blast, but April Fools' Day isn’t just a holiday dedicated to harmless jokesters — it’s a celebration of the silly. It's meant to encourage people to take a break from the everyday drama and petty madness we all experience at work or at home, and just have fun. Don't take life so seriously, at least for this one day a year.
But if a compilation of hilarious pranks isn't enough to get you in the holiday spirit, perhaps these quotes will get you psyched to celebrate April Fools' Day. Some of the world's best and brightest humans enjoyed this holiday, and the desire to pull a prank on someone else. And c’mon. You know you want in on the fun, too.