
'Cougar Town' Is Coming To An End (Again)

by Alice Walker

We all knew this day would come. The long embattled Cougar Town airs its series finale on Tuesday, opening its final bottle of wine, singing its last song, throwing its last penny into the can. A part of me is sad that this gem of a show is ending. It's rare to find a show on TV where the group of friends all seem to genuinely like each other. The other part (that had a few months to adjust and prepare) is happy that it lived to see a sixth season at all. Never a heavy hitter in the ratings, TBS renewed Cougar Town after its third season on ABC, keeping it on the air for another three seasons. As much as I want to hang out and drink wine with the Cul-de-Sac Crew (best gang name ever!) forever, I wouldn't hold out hope for a second resurrection.

After the fifth season, the stars were already lining up other work in case of cancellation, and they lost Bobby Cobb at the beginning of this season when Brian Van Holt exited the show. Sure, we still have the rest of the very talented cast including everyone's favorite person Busy Philips, but it isn't quite the same. The show was also saved last time partly due to rabid fans who demanded more, a phenomenon we are not seeing this time around. My best guess is that this is because the rest of the fans are on the same page as I am. We'd rather that it ends now, on a high note and in its own quirky fashion.

But let's not cry because it's over, lets crack up because it existed in the first place. After all, without Cougar Town we never would have come up with the the genius idea to name our over-sized wine glasses (mine's Big Mack), been able to play the international phenomenon Penny Can (say it with me: "penny caaaaaaaaaaan"), or gained the expression "pounding some serious grape."

So this Wednesday I am grabbing Big Mack, opening up my best bottle of red, and cheersing right along with the gang. It was a fun ride, but all good things must come to an end.

Image: Giphy