Lisa Bonet's Best Style Moment's From 'IADW'

The 1990s hit sitcom It's A Different World hit Netflix this month and has every '80s and '90s kid in a complete binge-watching frenzy. I haven't left my room during the past three days, other than to stock up on chips and salsa occasionally, which is clearly a problem. But what's a girl to do when the style moments are just that good in literally every episode? There are mom jeans, there are women rocking boxy coats and jackets, there are insanely cool accessories. Most importantly, there's Lisa Bonet as Denise Huxtable, whose style is so crazy cool that you'll give Netflix a break if it means you can find all of her looks at your nearest thrift store.
The show is a spin-off of The Cosby Show and follows Denise as she transitions into the fictional historically Black college, Hillman (Cliff and Claire Huxtable's alma mater). Denise, however, is a free spirit, much like Lisa Bonet is known to be in real life, and unfortunately left after the first season (she later returned to The Cosby Show). Although it was sad to see her go, the little bit of time she was on offered up enough style inspiration to last a decade. Her affinity toward menswear and structured high-waisted pants are just a few examples of how much she stunned. But, of course, she stunned in just about all of her looks.
Her Pants Were Seriously The Best
Count On Denise To Show How A Woman Can Own A Tie
She Commanded Your Attention With These Amazing Military-Style Jackets
And This Crazy Good Leather Jacket With Fringe
Seriously Spring, Can You Get Here So We Can Replicate This Look?
She Mastered This Bad Hair Day
Stripes And Plaid Is A Mixed Prints Look Made In Heaven
Images: Netflix (11)