No, no, I'm fine, I just have an entire YouTube video stuck in my eye. I've seen plenty of adorable internet proposals in my time on this earth, but none quite so precious as Scott Worgan, the dad who proposed to his girlfriend with the help of their two daughters. Together the three of them set up the universe's most charming black-and-white video, where Worgan had the girls hold up signs expressing how much their mother Caitlin Miller meant to all of them in a Love Actually-inspired theme. There are pigtails. There are big ol' smiles. There are signs accidentally held upside down. I don't know what more we can even ask for without our hearts spontaneously exploding on our keyboards, TBH.
Scott Worgan, an IT worker, hails from Australia, where he lives with girlfriend Caitlin and their two daughters, Scarlett and Sienna. The couple has been together for six years, and you'll be happy to know that unlike this scene in Love Actually, there is a much happier ending: Caitlin said yes!
I'm not even well-caffeinated enough yet to handle all these feels, so I'm warning you right now to watch this with extreme caution if you happen to have a heart beating in your chest cavity. Behold the sweetest proposal you will ever lay eyes on:
I DARE you not to audibly "awwww" at this handiwork.
Is it too late for them to adopt me?
This just in: nobody is allowed to ask anybody to marry them without using adorable children again.
Can't you just see the adorable matching dresses already??
I officially can't take it. Oh em gee.
Well, if you're not crying at this point ...
Sorry about all those feelings, guys. If you haven't reached your threshold of cute yet, then you can watch the whole video here:
No word yet on when the wedding is, but this much I do know: it's going to have the happiest little flower girls of all time.
Images: YouTube (10)