Terra's 'Little Women: LA' Spinoff Is Coming Soon

Terra Jole, the star of the Lifetime series Little Women: LA, is the first cast member to get her own breakout spinoff. In the upcoming Little Women: Terra's Little Family, we'll get to spend even more time with the Jole-Gnoffo clan as they prepare for the arrival of their daughter. And we don't have to wait long, either — Little Women: Terra's Little Family premieres on April 8, just three weeks after the Little Women: LA finale. The show will pick up right where the Little Women: LA pregnancy special left off, with the reveal that Joe and Terra are having a girl.
Terra just gave birth to that new baby girl, Penelope, about a week or so ago, and gave an exclusive interview to People about how happy and excited she and Joe are for this new part of their lives. It's great that the couple seems to be going strong after a stressful and sometimes difficult pregnancy. As we saw earlier in the season, because Terra and Joe have two different forms of dwarfism, there was a chance that Penelope could suffer from some serious health risks. But it seems like those risks are over and they're out of the woods. So here's what we can expect from the new family show.
1. Awkward Parenting Moments
New parents don't know anything about raising kids, so everything from strollers to cribs to breastfeeding is strange and new and exciting. Especially for Terra and Joe, who also have to reckon with their size, which makes things like crib shopping or even carrying the baby a challenge.
2. Plenty of Bickering
This is the story of Terra and Joe's relationship, so there's bound to be a lot of fights and a lot of drama between them. There's not going to be a quiet or a boring moment in this new show, I can promise you.
3. A Very Cute Baby At the End
Since Lifetime promises that the show will be produced "almost in real time," by the end of the series, we should see Terra giving birth. I am always in favor of season finales that end with everyone meeting a tiny baby for the first time (this is why I've loved every single Parenthood season finale).
4. Terra & Joe Being Super Brave

Terra and Joe agreed to have their own show before knowing the outcome of her pregnancy. This could have ended with a double-dominant child, who don't often live long past birth, and it was so brave of them to document their unpredictable experience for TV.
5. Plenty of Little Person Knowledge
There's a chance T&J could end up with an average sized child, instead — that's the power of genetics. And since there are risks involved, little person parents have to be super aware of how things like that work, and I'm sure Terra will be dropping knowledge left and right about what it's like to be a parent from her POV.
But no matter what height Penelope ends up being, it's undeniable that she is adorable, and we can expect plenty of Terra/Joe fireworks along the way when Little Women: Terra's Little Family premieres on April 8.
Image: Richard Knapp/Lifetime