Very important news for basketball and pizza fans everywhere: Domino's pizza is 50 percent off for March Madness this week, and this week only. Are we surprised that once again, it has fallen to me to notify you, Gentle Bustle Readers, of the latest cheap or free food deal offered by a national chain? Nope — not one bit. In fact, it is a job I have come to relish, because I mean, really: Who doesn't love cheap and free food offers?
The deal only runs this week, though, so make sure you hop on top of it ASAP; you've got until Sunday, March 22 to nab your half-off pizza. You can order any menu-priced pizza, but there's a catch: You can only take advantage of the deal if you order online at Dominos.com, or if you use the Domino's app. This is perhaps unsurprising, as many of the most recent crop of fast food deals are designed to push the aforementioned websites and apps; but hey, clearly it's working. Do you guys have any idea how many free tacos I ate when Taco Bell had that Doritos Locos promo going on? Hint: It was a lot.
I'll be honest: I'm not really a March Madness person. I don't follow sports at all, and sporting events themselves make me anxious — especially when the event itself is being watched on a television by a million people all jammed into a teeny, tiny bar. But you know what I do love? Pizza. If you've ever read anything else I've ever written, odds are you already know that; somehow I usually manage to bring pizza into the conversation roughly every other post. As such, you can be sure that I will be taking advantage of this deal at some point during the week, regardless as to whether or not I am actively participating in any March Madness activities.
So here. Have a small selection of my favorite pizza GIFs to celebrate. Eat up!
Images: Scott Olson/Getty Images ; Giphy (7)