Freya Might Be Rebekah's Only Hope On 'Originals'

Trust me, I know what you're thinking — is it kind of awful that you miss Claire Holt so much on The Originals? Well, the answer is simple: absolutely not. Especially when you take into consideration that on Monday night's "Save My Soul," it seemed like Rebekah Mikaelson might be overpowered by the witch whose body she's hanging out in. Unfortunately, things seem to be taking a turn for the worse in New Orleans and The Originals' Rebekah could be stuck in her new body unless, of course, there's still a chance that Freya will agree to save her.
I previously thought that things would be totally cool with Rebekah's new body — sure, she'd hang out in there for awhile, but eventually she'd be back in her original body. Well, just because she jumped into this body, that doesn't mean it's previous occupant ever left. And on Monday, it became seriously obvious that the real Eva Sinclair is a force to be reckoned with and she's about to take control of what's hers. In the final moments of The Originals' Monday night episode, we learned why Rebekah woke up near those warehouses — mostly because she's been filling them with witches and supernatural creatures whose power she's channeling. Eva is getting her power back and the only witch in New Orleans that can stop her just got kicked to the curb and insulted by Klaus.
Basically, Freya is Rebekah's last chance now that Davina's being channeled by Eva. And so the great divide between the Mikaelson siblings continues to grow because, obviously, Elijah and Rebekah are going to seek Freya's help even though Klaus believes that his long lost sister is a fraud and a half. So, what happens next? Well, the smart move is for Rebekah to take Freya's advice and go through with her plan to suppress Eva until Rebekah can jump back into her old body. But what if Freya's actually not the good, honorable, and scared person she's made herself out to be?
I don't want to support Klaus' madness, but his paranoia isn't always wrong. And then where would we be? No one wants Rebekah to die on this series — we love her way too much for that — but Freya, for better or worse, is her only hope.
Image: Guy D'Alema