Whatever Happened to Tag From 'Friends'?

I completely sided with Rachel on the "WE WERE ON A BREAK" argument, and I always wondered what she ever saw in Ross after he cheated on her. Not only was he jealous and insecure the first time they got together, he was not the best after they broke up, either. Eventually, Ross came around, but it's not like Rachel didn't have other, solid, romantic options. Come to think of it, I wouldn't have been upset if Rachel ended up with Tag, her adorable, loyal, and earnest assistant.
You all remember Tag ... That dark, curly hair. Those dreamy eyes. His totally sweet nature. Swoon. Sadly, Rachel decided to call it quits with Tag right after she turned 30 because she felt that their age difference put them in different places in their lives. I have a feeling, if this show was made in 2015, it wouldn't have actually been that big of a deal. Tag supported her life and her career! In any case, as much as I wished it was Tag who was wearing that fateful red sweater, alas it was not meant to be.
But thankfully Eddie Cahill, the actor who played Tag, found a happy ending for himself.
His Roles
Since Friends went off the air over a decade ago (yup), Mr. Cahill has kept his acting career going on the big and small screens. In 2002, he starred in Glory Days as Mike Dolan and has also had parts in Dawson's Creek, CSI: NY, and Haunted. His film credits include the skateboarding saga Lords of Dogtown, the Olympic dream fell-good flick Miracle, and the crime drama The Narrows.
Nowadays, Cahill stars in CBS' sci-fi mystery series Under the Dome. He plays Sam Verdreaux, the troubled alcoholic who is the king of "unfinished business."
His Hobbies
Cahill volunteers at the Children's Hospital of LA. I will now give you all a moment to swoon.
He's also a big fan of Feist.
...And is a true blue Rangers fan!
His Family
Cahill married longtime girlfriend and model Nikki Uberti in 2009, and together they have welcomed a son, Henry. We also can't forget this important member of the Cahill clan:
His New Look
Hubba hubba! Who knew Tag would grow up to look so much like Phil Dunphy? Ah well, here's lookin' at you, Tag.
Images: NBC (2), Walt Disney Pictures, dinellefulle/Tumblr