On part 1 of the Vanderpump Rules Season 3 Reunion, Jax shared some unexpectedly tender sentiments towards arch-nemesis/ ex-girlfriend Stassi Schroeder. In so many words, he said that if Stassi were to call him up in crisis at any point in her life, he'd rush to her side. Wait, correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Jax basically calling her evil a few short months ago? Was that all just a hidden attempt to conceal his true feelings of enduring love for his ex to end all exes? Do I dare to ask the unthinkable question? Is Jax still in love with Stassi? Inquiring minds want to know.
Considering Stassi's all-consuming (and righteous) contempt for him, it would be kind of sad if he were still in love with her. Dude is pretty much public enemy number 1 on Stassi's list of undesirable persons. Stassi and Jax getting back together is about as likely as peace coming to the Middle East in our lifetime. Last week, when he mentioned meeting up for a closure talk with her, Stassi let him have it. Even if I'm not on her side in other matters, this is kind of a boss put-down. Way to be, Stassi.

Now, there are plenty of reasons that one would want to have the closure talk. One reason is that you feel like bookending a relationship will make you feel less bitter towards your former partner. Another reason is that you feel like a debriefing talk is necessary to get over the person fully. Further explanation is the possibility of you just trying to get back together with the person. I wouldn't put that last thing past Jax. He did, after all, pull that very same stunt on Carmen.
In the promos for part 2 of the reunion, Bravo was dropping some serious hints that Jax is still heavily hung up on Stassi. Shockingly enough, it seems like the producers want us to believe that Jax went ahead and got a tattoo of Stassi face fading into a day of the dead-style skeleton face on his bicep. Is it of Stassi? Is it of Carmen? Is it of some other unspecified blonde? Could it be the editing of the trailer? Yes. As always, it could be.

Also, let's just talk about the fact that Jax kinda has a thing for girls who look like Stassi.
But to be fair, we all have our types. Jax's is clearly blondes. Case in point, Carmen.
While matters of the heart such as these are hard to divine, given his thirst for closure and the fact that he seems to like girls who look like Stassi, I would say that a flicker of love for Stassi still burns deep within Jax's lothario soul. After all, ex habits are hard to kick.