Kylie Jenner's 9 Most Shamless Selfies Prove She Really Is Instagram's Selfie Queen
Anyone who's seen a single episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians or any of its other incarnations knows the various members of the Kardashian/Jenner/Disick/Odom(?) family are pretty into themselves. They take tons of pictures, make vacation music videos, and spend what must be hours getting ready each day.
If you ever wanted to know which Kardashian was the most self-absorbed — surprise! It's not even a Kardashian, but Kylie Jenner. According to Instagram, that is. With a whopping 451 selfies taken since June of 2012, Jenner has the most Instagram selfies of any celebrity.
At 16, Kylie is the youngest of her famous brood, so maybe we can attribute her penchant for selfies — that's self-taken pictures — to being young and more into social media. Or, she just really loves taking photos of herself. Here are just a few examples of the selfies from Kylie's Instagram that made her the celebrity queen of the selfie. Bow down.
A Sampling of Kylie's 451 Instagram Selfies
Anyone who's seen a single episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians or any of its other incarnations knows the various members of the Kardashian/Jenner/Disick/Odom(?) family are pretty into themselves. They take tons of pictures, make vacation music videos, and spend what must be hours getting ready each day.
If you ever wanted to know which Kardashian was the most self-absorbed — surprise! It's not even a Kardashian, but Kylie Jenner. According to Instagram, that is. With a whopping 451 selfies taken since June of 2012, Jenner has the most Instagram selfies of any celebrity.
At 16, Kylie is the youngest of her famous brood, so maybe we can attribute her penchant for selfies — that's self-taken pictures — to being young and more into social media. Or, she just really loves taking photos of herself. Here are just a few examples of the selfies from Kylie's Instagram that made her the celebrity queen of the selfie. Bow down.
The Standard Selfie
This is a pretty basic Jenner selfie. She looks ridiculously beautiful, way older than 16, and everything is perfect, from the lighting to her eyeliner to the camera angle. Girl knows how to take a flattering photo.
The Friends and Self-ie
Apparently, everyone Jenner hangs out with is also extremely photogenic and much better at applying makeup than any of us could ever hope to be. Oh, young Hollywood.
The Sister Selfie (Take One)
Just in case you forgot that Jenner isn't the only beautiful one in the family, she'll remind you of her fellow Jenner sister, Kendall. You know, the one who is an actual model at age 17.
The Sister Selfie (Take Two)
Lest we forget that Jenner has a whole bunch of older sisters who are also beautiful — with or without color.
The Classic Selfie
Yes, even Jenner gives in to the classic duck face once in a while, and she actually makes it look good. Life just isn't fair sometimes.
The Phone Selfie
Another classic pose: When a selfie is taken in a mirror so that you can see the phone. It's hard to tell what Jenner is showing off here: her outfit, hair, nails, or enormous, bejeweled iPhone case.
The Product Placement Selfie
The caption accompanying this lip balm-displaying, pouty-faced selfie is, "Can't leave the house without my cute little EOS lip balm #EOSobsessed @eosproducts." Way to be subtle, Kylie.
The Dog Selfie
This is arguably the best kind of selfie there is — the kind that involves an adorable dog. In this case, Jenner is holding Khloe Kardashian's boxer Bernard Hopkins when he was just a puppy.
The Royal Selfie
Wait, this is the best kind of selfie there is — the kind that involves Scott Disick. All hail the Lord.