
Adorable Baby Elephant Awkwardly Getting A Bath

by Jamie Kenney

If I could have one wish, it would be for heretofore unimagined amounts of wealth and power with which to realize my New Feminist Order. I mean, duh; that should go without saying. But if I had two wishes, it would be funding from my NFO and that I could be half as cute doing anything as this baby elephant is taking a bath. Just look at it. Look. At. It! It's a combination of childhood playfulness personified, a prima ballerina, and me at my friend's Mad Men–themed birthday party after three martinis.

Clearly, this little one, wise beyond its years, knows he's awkward. He knows he is totally sucking at this whole "standing on his own four feet" thing. He doesn't give half a baby elephant's ass. Because it's bath time! And he's trying to show us all that we shouldn't give a damn about our own awkwardness. When life hands you a tiny little bathtub being filled by a Dutchman with a garden hose, you know what you need to do? You need to fall in that tub, repeatedly, and then you need to run off with the hose.

Without further ado, behold the adorable majestic splendor of the baby elephant. Let him be a lesson to all of us that we should derp like no one's watching.

Image: YouTube