Jada Pinkett Smith's appearance on Live With Kelly and Michael seemed to confirm that, though Gotham will return for a second season, Fish Mooney will not. Can it be true? Fish, we hardly knew ye! Speculation is speculation, even out of the mouths of actors, and it’s possible that Smith's comments may be out-of-context or a purposeful misdirect, but if Fish does indeed leave Gotham — voluntarily, involuntarily, or in a body bag — the show will be losing its most boss and terrifying female character.
Selina Kyle and Ivy Pepper are young girls, still growing into the super villains we know they’ll become. Chief Sarah Essen and Detective Renee Montoya are women in powerful positions, but by virtue of being the relative good guys, they don't get to be as deliciously sinister as Fish. Leslie Thompkins is totally well-adjusted, and Barbara Kean's storylines are some of the series' most serious. Basically, Fish Mooney is Gotham's most potent source of chaos and crazy. Fans love her razor-sharp style, taste for the theatrical, and fearlessness, but most of all, we love her way with words. Let’s take a moment to remember a few of Fish Mooney’s greatest verbal smackdowns.
“I Bet Your Mother Was A Lousy Cook”
Her epic response to being told that women are only of use in the kitchen or the bedroom.
“You May Be My Baby Girl, But I’m Not Your Mama”
That time when her secret weapon was a little confused and needed some clarification.
“If You Let This Hair Go Frizzy, You Will Be”
The best response to someone saying "sorry" in TV history.
“No Foreplay With You, Hmm? Figures”
Fish will let you know if she isn't satisfied.
“Now You’ve Had Me As Your Enemy. Wouldn’t You Rather Have Me As Your Friend?”
A succinct way of putting things in perspective.
“You Have A Little Danger In Your Eye”
It may not have seemed epic at the time, but now we know Fish was foreshadowing her own fate.
“Oswald, You’re Back. I’m Starting To Think You Enjoy Being Hurt”
Seriously, will Cobblepot just give up already?
“Your Deductive Powers Astonish Me. Honestly, I Just Got A Chill"
Because Fish does sarcasm better than anyone else.
Long live the queen of Gotham.
Images: Jessica Miglio/Fox; rydeforyou, fuckyeahGotham, queenfishmooney, llynirr, buckyward/Tumblr