There are some things in life that you just don't look forward to: trips to the dentist, the DMV, seeing the empty bottom of your Nutella jar. So, naturally, the end of Empire 's first season falls directly into that category. Seriously, didn't this show just start? How is it already time to say goodbye? What will I do without my weekly dose of Cookie one-liners?! But like it or not, that dreaded day will soon be upon us because Empire 's Season 1 two-part finale kicks off on March 18 at 8 p.m. (ET) on FOX, which is just one measly week away. Then that's it, well until Season 2 premieres. But we'll be living in an Empire-less world for who knows how long, and if it stays in the midseason lineup, we could be waiting until 2016 for a new episode. (BRB, I now have to go angrily scream into a pillow for 10 minutes.)
Granted, we still have a ton of drama to get on with in the meantime, especially now that a Cookie and Malcolm hook-up is in the works. But that still doesn't come close to filling the inevitable Wednesday night void Empire is sure to leave in its wake. So as a way to help soften the blow, I've come up with a few different ways we can all still keep the series apart of our everyday lives.
Jam Out To The Empire Soundtrack
The characters themselves may be off on a hiatus, but their songs can live on forever with your iTunes account. Whether you're working out or in need of a little mid-day break at work, these Empire originals are the perfect way to keep the Lyon family close to you all year round.
Watch the SNL Parody on Repeat
If you haven't already seen this, believe me when I say it's definitely worth a watch or two (or three or 10). It's the next best thing to watching an actual episode. "Take a dip, Chip!"
Check Out Taraji P. Henson's Past TV Projects
This actress may be hitting a popularity high note in her Empire role as Cookie Lyon, but this is far from the first time Henson has graced the small screen with her presence. She's also starred in Person of Interest and Boston Legal, along with making a few guest star appearances on shows like Felicity, ER, Saved By the Bell: The New Class, and House M.D. It may not be a full-on Cookie fix, but it's certainly better than nothing.
Images: Chuck Hodes/FOX; devereauxpoi/Tumblr (2)