Have you ever wondered what all the hype is about Kegel exercises? Should you be doing Kegels? What a Kegel even is? Dr. Doe of the popular YouTube channel Sexplanations has answered all of the questions you could possibly have about the mysterious kegel, so clench away, folks.
Kegel exercises are a strength building exercise for your pelvic floor muscles — think of it as weight lifting for your vagina. The name Kegel comes from Dr. Arnold Kegel, who first saw their potential all the way back in the 1940's.
If you're wondering why on Earth anyone would want to do a Kegel, they come with a whole host of other health benefits. They can prevent UTI infections, incontinence, improve circulation in your groin, increase lubrication and strengthen your pelvic muscles after giving birth. You can have a weak pelvis for a variety of reasons, from gaining weight to aging, and as a result, you may experience some of the aforementioned symptoms. These exercises help to strengthen the muscles and make your vagina, bladder, and uterus stronger. It's just like working out after losing muscle tone to rebuild strength.
Dr. Doe provides answers to all of your burning questions about Kegels and here are some of the highlights:
How do I do a Kegel?
If you want to do a Kegel, clench the muscles you use to stop a stream of pee — that contraction is a Kegel. Kegels involve the peroneal muscles, which look like a hammock, extending from the top of your pubic bone in front all the way to your tailbone near your butt. You should feel these muscles squeeze in a contraction when you do a Kegel. If you want to ensure that you're doing it right, try to stop peeing in the middle of urination. When you do this, you will be doing a Kegel exercise.
Can people without vaginas do Kegels?
Yep! Kegels aren't just for those with vaginas. Take a towel or tissue and place it over your erect penis, and lift your penis in an upward motion to engage those same PC muscles. This can strengthen muscles for those experiencing incontinence, and it can also lead to greater sexual pleasure, according to Dr. Doe.
Will anyone know if I'm doing them?
Nope, not if you have a vagina! You can do them in the car, during meetings, or even as you're reading this article. It's not uncommon to do them in repetitions like lifting weights, where you'll do a specific number of sets and reps.
Can I overdo it?
Just like any type of exercise, doing too much too soon can be damaging. Dr. Doe recommends starting off by doing 10 a few times a day, so don't start by doing them for an hour straight.
If you want to learn more about Kegels, check out the video below:
Images: Craftivist Collective/Flickr; Giphy (4)