Here's What Your Favorite 'PLL' 'Ship Means

There are only two things that are important to Pretty Little Liars fans — the upcoming Big A Reveal on March 24, and the stability of your favorite 'ship. Because, let's be honest, after five seasons of no resolution when it comes to A's identity, we are really sticking around because Haleb is the greatest 'ship on television. OK, fine, PLL's other 'ships are pretty great, too — but, who you 'ship in Rosewood is just as important as your new PLL Varjack theory and every PLL fan knows that — heck, I'd be willing to bet that creator I. Marlene King knows that. (Which is why she makes Haleb so damn irresistibly adorable.) So, what does your favorite Pretty Little Liars 'ship say about you?
All of the emotional abuse the liars have been through at the hands of A is nothing compared to the emotions we've felt about the series' various 'ships getting together, crashing, and burning over the past five seasons. I know all of you Ezria fans out there shed some tears over the couple's goodbye during Tuesday's episode. Just like my fellow Haleb fans and I cheered on Rosewood's Bonnie and Clyde when they were on a mission to destroy all of that evidence in the storage unit. Pretty Little Liars fans feel as strongly as they do about their 'ships and we do about Wren's sketchiness. So, with that being said, here's what we think when you tell us about your favorite 'ship.
You're a total masochist. Ezria has been through hell and back multiple times over PLL's past five seasons and, if you've stuck by them this long, you definitely live for the struggle. You also probably "like" drinking black coffee and reading classic literature — we both know Ezra and Aria aren't as deep as they pretend to be.
Your most valued possession: Your journal
You love camping (mostly because of that one Haleb scene — you know what I'm talking about), you love doing vaguely illegal things, and you NEVER lock your car doors (c'mon, Hanna). And you also know how to forgive, which you only learned how to do when you decided that you couldn't possibly hold Caleb leaving for Ravenswood against him.
Your most valued possession: Your DIY embellished leather jacket
You're a perfectionist, but you're proud of it. Even though, on occasion, it's your worst quality and keeps you up at night. You're also the PLL fan that never gave up on finding the A clues — you might love this 'ship, but you're still living for the answer to the A-question.
Your most valued possession: Your white noise machine
You're all about proving something — about yourself, about your ability, about the people around you. You name it and you're going to prove it and you won't stop until you do so. You've also probably got great hair, just saying.
Your most valued possession: Your first trophy (Who cares what you won? You won and that's all that matters.)
You already know who A is, probably because you are A. If there were any 'ship on PLLthat was wildly unhealthy and kind of terrifying, it was Emison. So, you probably also love horror movies and own a gallon of fake blood and a creepy baby mask.
Your most valued possession: Your enemies' secrets
Images: Pretty Little Liars/Facebook; staystronggoon, prettylittleliars (2), prettylittleliarrslove, thiskikismarvelous/Tumblr