If you've been on the Internet at all, you are likely fully aware of the viral craze that is using red lipstick as concealer. As a true skeptic of non-traditional beauty hacks and also as someone who struggles with dark circles under my eyes, I knew I had to test it out. I've tried everything — concealers, highlighters, anti-dark circle cream, you name it. Coincidentally, I have an even bigger struggle with overusing and over-buying red lipstick. So when I learned that you could use red lipstick as a concealer, it seemed perfect for someone like me. But the more I thought about it, the crazier it seemed. To my surprise though, after watching beauty vlogger Deepica Mutyala experiment this technique on herself, using the product to mask pesky dark circles is actually pretty brilliant.
Here's why: we all know that makeup is a work of art. Similar to oils and paint, we’re basically using mascara, shadows, and foundations as tools to make a masterpiece. Now, let’s apply the color wheel idea to the way we do our makeup. Today Style explains, “Dark circles are usually blue or green in tone. If you look at a primary color wheel, the exact opposite of those colors are oranges and reds. Applying a bright red color underneath your eyes actually neutralizes the color you're hoping to cover.”
That was enough to convince me to try it out myself. So here’s my play-by-play:
I started applying the red lipstick under and around my eye circles with my normal concealer brush. I also applied it on other dark spots and blemishes. Don't apply too much though because the lipstick might be harder to cover up with concealer. Pro tip: try using a cream-based lipstick. You'll thank me later.
I have olive skin so I used the Revlon SuperLustrous Lipstick In Fire And Ice which wasn't too bright or too dark. I wouldn’t recommend using lip-lasting or a matte type of lipstick.
Revlon SuperLustrous Lipstick In Fire And Ice, $7, Amazon
The Original Beauty Blender, $20, Amazon
Next, I used actual concealer and blended using a beauty blender around my eyes. I’m in love with the NARS Radiant Creamy Concealer and thought it worked perfectly for this hack. Another tip: use liquid concealers instead of stick concealers. It's easier to blend, especially if you're going for full coverage. Don't be afraid to be heavy-handed with your concealer. You might have to apply it generously to cover up all the red lipstick.
NARS Radiant Creamy Concealer, $30,Sephora
And voila! The results were mind-blowing. My makeup game will never be the same.
Enlightened, I wanted to experiment more with other shades of lipsticks to see if I could use them for other beauty hacks. During this process, I came to the conclusion that if all makeup users were wizards, our wands would obviously be lipstick. Why? Because you can use lipstick i so many other magical ways.
1. Blush
Because cream blush and rose-colored lipsticks are practically the same product.
2. Contouring
Sephora Collection Lip Last In Brown Is Back!, $14, Sephora
Using lipstick to contour might seem weird at first, but it actually helps make my cheekbones pop and gives them a lift. Try to stick to natural/nude lipstick tones for this one.
3. Eyeshadow
If I'm using lipstick as concealer, why not use it as an eyeshadow? Lipstick definitely stays on longer too, so there's no need for a primer.
4. Eyeliner
Try using a deep red wine lipstick for eyeliner. To apply, use a regular eyeliner brush. Dab it into your lipstick and smudge it on the corner of your eyes for a smoky effect. It gives a romantic, yet intense look with purple undertones.
Sephora Collection Color Lip Last Lipstick In Elegant In Brown, $14, Sephora
Here's my final look after using lipstick as a concealer, eyeshadow, contouring cream, eyeliner, and blush:
Not too shabby, right? Whatever way you decide to use your lipstick, just remember to be creative, apply it liberally, and most importantly — have some fun!
Images: Danelle Sandoval