At first, I was sort of inclined to say that this was just going too far. The obituary was cute and all, but having a real-life funeral for a television character? Come on. However, then I actually thought about it — this show touched the lives of so many people for five years, it was appointment viewing for millions, and now it's gone. In a way, Walter White died not only on screen, but in our lives as well. When you look at it that way, it kind of seems wrong not to hold some sort of memorial. So, that is exactly what a group in New Mexico is doing: According to Uproxx, there will be a Walter White funeral at an Albuquerque steakhouse this weekend, the proceeds of which will go into a "special endowment that will fund substance abuse prevention programs in Albuquerque."
Services will reportedly be taking place at 4:30 PM on Saturday, Oct. 12, at Sunset Memorial Park with the set director of Breaking Bad, Michael Flowers, delivering the eulogy. A reception at night will follow.
To get in, fans must purchase tickets, priced as low as $20, and as high as $5,000 (this will get your name on White's tombstone). It's all kind of sweet, in a way — and indicative of the massive impression this little show left on the world.
Image: Ursula Coyote/AMC