What Do Health Care Workers Use As Birth Control?

Hands down, birth control is one of the greatest things about being born in this time period as opposed to, well, any other time in history. Although certain political parties (ahem) are doing their very best to restrict access to it, there are plenty of family planning options to choose from these days — so many, in fact, that it can be pretty confusing to decide which one to use, which is why the folks at Bedsider created a handy infographic for the top five birth control methods women's healthcare workers use. If anyone has an idea of what's the best way to treat their lady parts, it's got to be the women that have to deal with other women's genitals every day.The survey was based on the self-reported responses of female healthcare providers aged 25-44, Besider reports. It compared the methods that providers use to the general U.S. population, and some of the results may surprise you. While only four to 11 percent of women use IUDs overall (depending on who you ask), the intrauterine device is far and away the most popular method for providers. The pill and partner vasectomy were next in line, being used by 16 and 13 percent of respondents, respectively, which Bedsider reports is about the same rate as U.S. women overall. Vaginal rings, however, were also more popular among providers than other women, with 11 percent of providers reporting using them, compared to only two percent of the general population.If you're more of a visual person, Bedsider's got you covered. All the information discussed above is in this handy infographic:
You may have noticed that condoms came in last, because while they're great for preventing STI transmission, people don't have the best track record with using them correctly. It's not that they're ineffective at preventing pregnancy; a 2011 Planned Parenthood study suggested that their relatively low effectiveness rate (85 percent with typical use) is actually due to people wanting to blame their pregnancy on something other than their own failure to use birth control correctly. Either way, doctors generally recommend using condoms along with another kind of birth control for the best protection against pregnancy.
A select few of us, however, have our own special ways of preventing pregnancy.
<img alt="mtv animated GIF " src="" class="article-body-image"/>Preach, girl.