11 Eddie Redmayne Surprised Faces That Range From “Who Me?” To “How’d This Award Get Here?” — PHOTOS
Eddie Redmayne has a really good face. In addition to it being extremely attractive, it's charmingly expressive and very fun to look at — especially when he's pleasantly flabbergasted. If we're lucky, we'll get to see that endearingly surprised face this Sunday at the 87th Annual Academy Awards, because Eddie Redmayne is nominated for a Best Actor Oscar for his role as Stephen Hawking in The Theory of Everything.
To prepare for his inevitably adorable expression of glee if he wins on Sunday, let's round up his best surprised faces of Eddie Redmayne.
This year, when he won the SAG award for Best Actor in a Lead Role, he face palmed, as if to say “What a crazy journey this has been!!!”
Continuing on in his speech, he was like “Literally, guys… I can’t even!!”
This much doesn’t even begin to express how honored he is.
Even in the press room, he was like “Oh, hello! Fancy meeting you here, SAG award!!”
This expression says, “I think I’m ready for this acceptance speech?!”
At it again at the Golden Globes.
"Whaaat? Meeeee???"
It’s hard to tell what sort of question he’s being asked, but I’m imagining that his response was “WHAT THE WHAT?!”
This response seems to be: “Woah there partner… Gimme a sec while I collect my marbles after this baffling inquiry.”
Check out those raised eyebrows. DON’T EVEN GET HIM STARTED!!
He may be caught off guard here by the intensely witty, off-the-cuff thing to say that he JUST thought of. You can see it in his eyes.