Confession: My "make-up free" look is a lie. I may be without powders, mascara, or even lipstick, but I'm rarely trolling bars without my eyebrows drawn on, albeit misshapen. Once upon a time, my eyebrows were full, bold, and shaped to perfection. This was, of course, circa 1996, before I shaved, plucked, shaved, and waxed, all that natural fullness to oblivion. Although having flawless, glowing skin is generally considered the most desirable aspect of beauty, the very next best thing is having your eyebrows on fleek. Fortunately, there are some natural eyebrow fillers like Alima Pure's Brows That Wow, that can help a gal out.
I've slowly been trying to get my make-up game completely natural but, to be honest, I've been pretty lazy about it. Instead of researching for products I used to wear daily, such as powders, mascara, and eyeliner, I simply removed the products and have basically just been hiding behind my large framed glasses until an all-natural product that wows the crap out of me lands on my front steps. Like I said though, my eyebrows need work regardless, so I've continued to use a fairly pricy eyebrow kit for the past three years. Yeah, it's not something I'm proud of.
Being someone who has a heavy, sloppy hand, both the pencil strokes and gentle-layer-of-mascara methods of filling in my brows have ended in mental anguish. Putting on my brows is one of the last things I do before I leave the house, and I never leave myself enough time to properly do it. More often than not, I end up with ridiculously uneven eyebrows that I have to hide behind my glasses anyway.
So, when Alima Pure's Brows That Wow was suggested to me, I had hit the point where I would try anything — especially anything all natural.
There are a few important factors I consider before ever saying "I love this product." First, the ingredients. If there's a two page list of ingredients for a tiny tube and most of it are sulfates and additives? I'm going to pass. The second is, of course, how much it costs. If a product is made from natural ingredients, then I refuse to pay a lavish price. $50 for a tiny tube of natural lip balm? I think I'll make my own, thank you. If the product is natural and affordable, then the next logical question is "Does it work/last?" My new Brows That Wow kit has a powder made of three ingredients, costs $24 (including two brushes!), and lasted through an entire, sweaty shift behind the bar. I was hooked.
The eyebrow kit comes in three colors: light, medium, and deep. The actual brow product is similar in texture to a standard mineral powder. Plus, you get a finely shaped eyebrow brush to carefully apply your brows, as well as a bonus double-sided eyebrow brush for combing and maintenance. OK, enough of my raving. Go on. Try it for yourself.
Image: Alima Pure ; Giphy; Kristin Collins Jackson