You'll Want To Own This R2-D2 Handbag

Just when I think fashion couldn't get any weirder, a new wacky trend emerges. After recently discovering garbage-made couture dresses, I was pretty certain that nothing could top that craze — but I was wrong. Krukrustudio, a Russia-based design company, has created Star Wars handbags inspired by the movie's adorable astromech droid R2-D2. Yes, R2-D2 handbags are A THING. If you're a die-hard Star Wars fan, prepare to let your freak flag fly.
Featuring all of the intricate details, from the etching of the buttons to the embroidery of the panels, the handbag looks like an exact replica of the actual Star Wars character. Made from high-quality wool felt, the bucket style purse has one large inner pocket and an adjustable strap. I can totally see this on Princess Leia, perhaps to carry all those bobby pins necessary to hold her signature "cinnamon-buns" together (there's no way those bad boys stayed put on their own).
The quirky purse has a futuristic vibe — a trend in fashion that has been around for years, usually culminating in a slew of metallic silver and structured lines — despite being based on a decades old movie franchise. Even if you're not a huge fan of the movie, the look has a certain edge factor to it, and can totally go well with ultra-modern apparel pieces.
The R2-D2 handbag would look pretty cool paired with some other Stars Wars inspired fashion pieces, wouldn't it?
Take these Star Wars leggings, for instance:
Or this cool denim jacket:
Who says nerdy can't also be super cool?
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