Mercedes Approves of Samchel

The blessings have been given and the flirting is turning up a notch. This is it Glee fans. Samchel might actually be happening! In the Season 6 episode "What The World Needs Now," Sam and Rachel admitted that they had feelings for each other, but Sam stated a major part of him still had feelings for Mercedes, while Rachel was more worried about teaching the glee kids than exploring a new relationship. But those worries didn't last long as Mercedes gave Samchel her blessing, and helped Sam realize that their love for one another was more about friendship than romance.
I'm always excited to see a familiar face return to the McKinley High choir room, and Mercedes is a more friendly face than most for sure. The reigning diva of the New Directions was in town to help mentor the new New Directions for sectionals, but of course the majority of her time was spent being an incredible friend to those who needed it the most. There was no chance in Hell that Sam or Rachel would ever explore the possibility of dating or pursuing one another if Mercedes was not alright with the new union. And thankfully Mercedes helped Sam realize that it was time for the two of them to move on. While I know many of you are still Samcedes fans, and I don't blame you because they were adorable, Mercedes says herself that dating Sam was quite the surprising move for her because she's "all about that bass." Apparently her new boyfriend is called "Tank." Intimidating.
The biggest question now is whether or not Sam will always still have feelings for Mercedes? It's hard to get over your first love and it's possible that just talking about being in the friend zone won't help Sam completely get over her. Plus he did tell Rachel just two episodes ago that he was still in love with Mercedes. And both Mercedes and Sam agreed they were both a little jealous that the other was moving on.
I hope that Sam doesn't automatically jump into a relationship with Rachel right away just to help continue getting over Mercedes. If anything, I think both Rachel and Sam deserve and need to take things slow since they've been through so much, Sam with Mercedes and Rachel with not only the loss of Finn but also the professional setbacks that have hurt her emotionally. They need something light hearted and sweet, and so far that's what their potential relationship has been thankfully. Even this strange moment was more surprisingly sweet and funny than jarring.
There are so many epic love stories going on in Glee right now, what with Santana and Brittany's upcoming nuptials, to all of us impatiently waiting for Klaine to reunite, even Sue is dying for a Klaine comeback! The last thing we need is yet another dramatic romance. So as long as Sam and Rachel take the necessary time they need to explore their growing feelings for each other and they're individual feelings about moving on, it will be a really nice, refreshing change of pace to see how things go for them in these final episodes of the series.
Images: Beth Dubber/FOX; jayhelstead, peetahales/Tumblr