Watch Every 'Fifty Shades' Clip Here

You've got to hand it to the marketing team over at Fifty Shades of Grey headquarters: the movie's not even out for another week, but for the last few months, it feels like it's been everywhere. Between the trailers, the appearances of Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson on every magazine cover in existence, and all those new Fifty Shades clips, avoiding the movie has been next to impossible — not that we'd want to, anyway. Even the book's biggest detractors have to admit that all the uproar around the movie has at least peaked their curiosity, and when Feb. 13 rolls around, you can be the lines out the theater door will be stretching miles long.
Thankfully, until that day comes, fans have plenty of clips from the upcoming film to tide them over. The Today Show has been showing tantalizing bits of footage from the movie every day this week, and on Friday, they released the very last one — and it's every bit as intriguingly weird as the first four. Watch it below, and catch up on all the clips from Fifty Shades that've been released so far so you're prepared for the movie's release in just one week:
Making Pancakes
Buying Supplies
Visiting the Playroom
Learning About Christian's "Singular Tastes"
Bonding Over Literature
Not enough for you? Rewatch the trailer, below, and buy your tickets now; there's only one week left until the movie's premiere, and if reaction to the movie itself is as big as it's been to these five clips, I'd say it's safe to assume those seats are going to fill up fast.
Image: Universal