Old People React To Watching Virtual Reality Porn

Oh, porn. Age cannot wither you, nor custom stale your infinite variety. Is there no end to the depths of creativity to which humanity will go to invent new ways of watching people have sex? When the virtual reality headset Oculus Rift first hit the scene, it was hailed as a revolution in gaming, but we all knew what it was really for: virtual reality porn. Complex decided to usher in the dawn of a new VR pornography age by letting a bunch of older people take the headset for a spin and filming the awkward, hilarious results.
People tend to think of old folks as somehow more innocent than we are now, as if sex and porn and kink didn’t exist until after the internet was invented. Although the internet age has certainly made porn more available than ever before, pornography as we now recognize it has been around since the 19th century (seriously, the Victorians were into some kinky shit). When the seniors in the video are asked to talk about what porn was like “in the good ol’ days,” they make clear that porn isn’t a new invention. One worldly gentleman recalls old school porn that just as kinky as the stuff making the rounds these days: “There were fat people. There were dwarves. There was the animal, of course.” It’s no surprise that this guy was unimpressed by the VR porn. His assessment: “The subject matter was boring. I’ve seen too much.”
If anything, this video shows that the elderly are a lot less prudish and fragile than people tend to think they are. Certainly, there are moments when some of them cringe at what they’re seeing on the headset, but honestly I’m sure that there are thousands of Pornhub videos out there that would make me not only cringe, but run right out of the room.
I think these ladies are hilarious, and there's something sort of surreal and science-fictiony about seeing the second one waving her hands to block her eyes from the the screen that's strapped to her face.
However, I could have happily lived my whole life without seeing this happen:
You're welcome.
Watch the whole thing:
Images: YouTube (3)