'Hollywood' Failed to Impress in Hollywood

American Idol city auditions are FINALLY over after what feels like forever and we're on to the absolute best part of the show — Hollywood Week. This portion of the show is easily the most dramatic, intense, and full of talent. And the first few minutes of Hollywood Week failed to disappoint. After arriving in the auditorium they would be spending the week in, the contestants found out that some of them would be singing right away and they have no idea why. Of course the viewers at home know they're calling up the most memorable of auditions. One standout contestant that took the stage was "Hollywood" Anderson from the Brooklyn auditions — but he didn't shine as bright as he did in New York.
Anderson was proclaimed the best of the day in Brooklyn by the judges, but he failed to impress in his namesake city. The 22-year-old street performer, or "busker," took a chance by performing his own rendition of Adele's "Someone Like You." While it was daring, it definitely missed the mark. Like JLo said, you shouldn't mess with something that's already perfect. The version he performed was unrecognizable to the point that I still don't believe he was actually singing "Someone Like You." Seriously, the words even became foreign the way it was performed. It's one thing to work out your own version of a song, but completely losing the melody is a big no-no.
This is the point in the game where you don't want to make a mistake like Anderson's. According to JLo — she really is the voice of reason on this show — that's how you get yourself eliminated. The pool of contestants is being cut down from what seems like a million to only 24. Any small mistake can cost an artist their dream of becoming famous. Sounds dramatic, but it's true.
Check out Hollywood's original audition:
SPOILER ALERT: If our Top 24 predictions are correct, Anderson's poor performance cost him his dream. He's still a great performer, but it goes to show how important this week really is. Hollywood's on his way back to New York, so keep your eye's peeled for him performing on the streets. He's someone you should actually stop and listen to.
Image: Youtube - IdolxVoice