If you've ever wanted to backtrack on Tinder, good news: Tinder Plus will have an “undo” button that will allow you to reverse any left swipes you might want to give a second chance. You'll have to pay for the privilege, unfortunately — the “undo” button will be one of the newest things to set the new Tinder Plus service apart from regular ol' Tinder — but if you're willing to shell out a few bucks a month, maybe it'll be worth it. Or something. Thoughts, Tinder users?
According to the Daily Mail, one of the most hotly anticipated features of Tinder Plus is this magical “undo” button. And why wouldn't it be? As Tinder cofounder Sean Rad said to TechCrunch, “The most-requested feature we get is a button to go back and have a second chance with people that users swipe left on. Everyone has wanted it from the beginning.” Knowing this, then, it's completely unsurprising that the bells and whistles featured on the paid version of the app would include the ability to turn back time. Tinder Plus will also include something called “Passport,” which will allow users to search for matches outside their geographic region. Excellent news for people who travel a lot, no?
But there's one more catch in addition to the fact that you'll have to pay for these features: Tinder Plus hasn't launched in the U.S. yet. According to TechCrunch, the paid service is getting introduced slowly in the international market first, with only 40 percent of users in a few countries (including the U.K., Brazil, and Germany) getting access to it once it's available. Tinder also hasn't settled on an exact price for Tinder Plus yet; as Tinder Plus rolls out, it'll be testing out a few different price points for it ranging from 99 cents all the way up to $19.99 in some markets in order to see what fits (or perhaps more accurately, what people are willing to pay for the extra features). I would imagine it's only a matter of time before it reaches the U.S. market, though — mid-March, according to the Daily Mail, although I'm pretty sure that date is still unconfirmed by Tinder itself — so in the meantime, here are the kinds of folks you'll probably want to exercise your powers of reversal on:
1. That Person Who's Totally Not Your Type, But Looked Kind of Interesting Anyway
Nothing ventured, nothing gained, right? You never know.
2. The Person You Swiped Left On by Accident Because You Got Distracted by Your Cats Chasing Each Other Around the Room
It happens.
3. That Person You Thought You Weren't Interested In, But Realized Later You Were
You know this one: You rejected them, but for some reason, your thoughts keep wandering back to them. What if...?
4. That Novelty Account You Regret Not Starting a Conversation With
Missed the chance to talk to a ghost? Or Edward Snowden? Or play a game of Connect Four? No worries — now you can!
5. That Person from Your Past Who Popped Up in Your List of Matches
Generally I am a fan of leaving the past in the past; sometimes, though, it can be kind of interesting to catch up with people you knew from high school or whatever — even if it's not exactly “fun.”
Of course, I can't help but think that an “undo” button might be useful for reversing right swipes, too. Technically I suppose an “un-right swipe” button would do what the block feature already does — but what about...
6. That Person You Meant to Left-Swipe, But Accidentally Right-Swiped Because You Had a Momentary Brain Fart
I mean, sure, you could message them and say, “Sorry, I didn't mean to right-swipe you!” (or just not talk to them at all, even if they message you first), but wouldn't it be a little less awkward just to be able to undo the whole thing instead?