Even as a person lacking in the significant other department this year, I acknowledge that buying Valentine's Day gifts is hella stressful and my heart goes out to my coupled friends who are now scrambling to find something meaningful/romantic/delicious to prove their Hallmark-marketed love to each other. That being said, your conundrum might be more easily solved than you think, if you skip the shopping shenanigans and just go straight for these dazzling reflective tea cups that take on the pattern of whatever saucer they are resting on. I cannot imagine a single human in the universe who wouldn't be mesmerized by them. *Buys them for self, does celebratory dance about being single and buying cool stuff and not having to worry about pretending to like lame gifts from someone else*
The tea cups, which look like something straight out of Alice In Wonderland, were the brainchild of the Japanese design brand D-Bros, and are just now available to purchase in the US. I really do want to get one myself, but I'm sure I would accidentally destroy it within 24 hours of perching it on ledges, humans, and small animals. If you doubt the magic of these chameleon tea cups, you can watch the greatness in action:
The only flaw I can find in this design is that you might never want to remove the tea cup from the coaster long enough to take a sip, meaning we would all be in mortal peril of not being appropriately caffeinated enough to deal with our lives. But if that's a risk you are willing to take, or a risk you are willing to burden upon a human in your life, then by all means, let this beautiful witchcraft into your home:
Images: Spoon & Tamago