16 Weirdly Specialized Online Dating Sites

If you're looking for love over the Internet, you're definitely in luck. Online dating sites no longer limit you to creating a profile on and sending winks to strangers via one sexy platform. Whomever you are, and whatever you're into, there is a dating site to match your tastes. Think you have compatibility preferences that are too far out there? There is no such thing. You will find love in a hopeless place (the Internet) no matter what you're looking for. When I was Googling "dating sites for..." the top search suggestion was "...for murderers," which left me feeling equally terrified and hopeful. See? Anyone and everyone can find love.
And as we're all painfully aware, Valentine's Day is quickly approaching. If you're in the market for a warm body to spend this overly hyped holiday with, you can just set up a kick-ass profile on any of the following dating sites and begin your quest for the perfect mate. Start Internet-flirting with some potential hunnies, and you'll be sitting pretty with dozens of roses and buckets of candy hearts to surround you on the nationally recognized day of love. Or, if you hate Valentine's Day (which most of us do), you can find someone to boycott the day with, which is just as fun.
Happy romance hunting!
1. Farmers Only
Because "city folks just don't get it."
2. 420 Singles
Now you don't need to worry about awkwardly revealing your love of cannabis. Because weed lovers do need less stress in their lives, right?
3. Alikewise
FINALLY, a dating site for book lovers. This site creates matches based on literary taste.
4. Allergic Attraction
The creators of this site wanted to make a safe space where young adults who have food allergies can form relationships. Sweet, right?
5. Kingsnake After Dark
Are you a lover of snakes who is looking for other lovers of reptiles and snakes? This is probably where you'll find your soulmate and/or new best friend.
6. Purrsonals
Cat lovers, unite! This site helps you “meet other cat lovers who really match your PURRsonality!”
7. Mullet Passions
"A business up front and a party in the back." Oh yeah. It really says that.
8. Tall Friends
For everyone who has accomplished a lot, height-wise. Or who loves standing on their tip-toes to smooch their SO.
9. Hot Sauce Passions
"That's right...a social network for people who think food is bland if it's not spicy enough to make their forehead sweat. If you are the type of person who tries to get a sliver of jalapeño on every nacho, then you have come to the right place." Amazing.
10. Sea Captain Date
"In the unforgiving ocean of love, let us be your lighthouse."
11. Tattooed Singles
For people with tats who love tats to find suitable tat-covered mates. Or rather, "where body and art connect."
12. Positive Singles
If one out of every four people has an STD, then that means there are a whole lot of people who are living with a disease. They deserve love too! This is a completely anonymous dating site that will make anyone with an STD feel less alone.
13. Star Trek Dating
"If you're a Sci-fi fan and want to meet your Borg queen or captain Kirk, try it now!" You're welcome.
14. Crew Dating
Dating for aviators. "Never fly solo again." Or also... here's your invitation to the Mile-High Club. Am I right?
15. Salad Match
A dating app designed for people to find their "salad soulmates." Awww.
16. Love Horse
A dating community made for equestrian singles looking for love on the countryside. A horseback ride at sunset IS kind of the most romantic activity ever, so I have a feeling these people are really good at love.
Image: Fotolia; alikewise/Flickr; Joe Dirt/Columbia Pictures; Alone/Flickr; Pilots/Flickr