Your 2015 Super Bowl Commercial Official Guide
For those of us who aren't huge fans of football, the Super Bowl is about one thing and one thing only: The commercials. Ordinarily, I can't stand commercials, especially at Halloween when every movie trailer that comes on during Scandal is determined to give me nightmares. But this Sunday, it's the marketing world's time to shine, and I am all ears. Except for one thing: A lot of the commercials that won't air on television until Sunday night during the Super Bowl have already made their way to the Internet. Though some may be opposed to any and all spoilers — whether they be involving something like Game of Thrones or something like a Super Bowl ad — the rest of us officially been presented with a rare opportunity: To preview the famous ads before they made their way onto the air. After all, in the Internet age, why wait more than a millisecond to watch clips that are about to become the most famous commercials in America?
That's what I thought. So, here you go: I've put together a list of every single 2015 Super Bowl commercial that is already available to watch online. Think of it as your official guide!
Some will make you laugh, some will make you cry...it's all apart of the fun.
Dove Men+Care — #Real Strength
Is there anything more precious than awesome fathers playing their adorable kids? Nope. (Unless maybe kittens are involved?)
Budweiser — "Lost Dog"
Remember the horse and the puppy from last year? They're back, and this time their mission is to make you cry. It has nothing to do with beer, since neither horses nor puppies should ever consume alcohol, but damn it if it doesn't make me want a Budweiser anyway.
Invisible Mindy Kaling
Is there anything Mindy Kaling cannot pull off? No, there is not. And she's totally right — if I was invisible, I'd totally walk through the car wash too.
BMW i3 — "Newfangled Idea"
Using footage from a 1994 edition of the Today Show, we see Katie Couric and Bryant Gumbel talking about how crazy the internet is and wondering what the "@" sign means. Now, 21 years later, we see them trying to understand an electric car. Things never change, except for the fact that Couric somehow only gets more attractive with age — like a fine wine.
Is this a commercial? Is this an incredibly short Michael Bay movie? The world may never know.
T-Mobile — #KimsDataStash
I would buy anything Kim Kardashian advertised, really.
Victoria's Secret
I know they're supposed to be selling underwear, but all this commercial does is remind me how badly I want to be Karlie Kloss.
Snickers — The Brady Bunch
Danny Trejo is Marcia. That's alI I need to say.
Kia Sorrento: "The Perfect Getaway"
At least we're not saddled with another Matthew McConaughey car commercial nightmare?
Always — "Like a Girl"
If this doesn't inspire you to have a family of daughters and raise them to all be Beyonce, I don't know what would.
McDonalds — "Pay With Lovin"
Not that kind of lovin'.
Image: YouTube