14 Reasons To Spend Valentine's Day Alone

Early February. Almost Valentine’s Day. Your neighborhood CVS is decked out in heaps of red and pink (although it’s probably been that way since Christmas), and you no longer feel guilty about buying that bag of assorted mini Hershey’s chocolates with the gold and silver wrapping. The only thing left to do is find someone to spend Valentine's Day with. Or not.
Let’s be real — tons of people are scrambling to lock in a partner for February 14th... and then there’s us. Don’t have a date for Valentine's Day? Not interested in finding one? Join the club! We’d rather spend the night curled up with a good book and a cup of tea than sitting across from a date who we’ve long lost interest in.
But there will always be those people who simply don’t get it. They’re the ones who will ask you six times what you’re doing for V-day, even after you’ve told them you don’t have plans. Then they want to know why you’re going solo. No worries, we’ve got you covered. Just post this list to their Facebook wall. Or pick one of the reasons off this list, and come ready with it the next time someone asks you about your Valentine. Either way, spending V-Day solo is definitely the way to go. Dim the lights, break out the candles, and get ready for some romantic me-time. Regardless of whether or not you're coupled off, here are all the reasons why you're better off spending the day alone come February 14.
1. Because your cat needs you more than your lover does.
Ah, classic. You spend more than enough time with your beau. Why not use V-day as a chance to show Meowth you haven’t totally been neglecting her during your whirlwind romance?
2. Because "sweatpants, hair tied, chillin' with no make-up on" is your motto.
High heels, tight clothes, and pounds of makeup? No ma’am. You’d rather watch reruns of Breaking Bad… with Meowth, of course.
3. Because you spent the whole week working, and now you just want to chill.
Seriously, staying in on Friday and Saturday nights is completely underrated. Girl is tired after working 40-plus hours a week.
4. Because you have so many suitors, you cant choose just one.
The quiet, mysterious guy, the got-his-life-together older man, the bad boy, the surfer dude, and the average Joe all asked to be your Valentine. Woe is me! Sometimes the best decision is to not make one at all.
5. Because you don’t believe in it.
Who decided that on February 14th, people would give each other chocolate and go out to fancy restaurants?? You do this every day of the year! It’s called life, bro.
6. Because you don’t want to buy any more gifts.
Didn’t we just go through this during Christmas?
7. Because you love being alone.
There’s no shame in lovin' some solitude. Some of your best ideas and inspiration can pop up when you’re alone. Do the things what make you happy, and forget about being coupled up on V-day!
8. Because you would rather tweeze each of your leg hairs individually than go out on the sappiest day of the year.
This will probably take a while…
9. Because February 14th just so happens to be National Ferris Wheel Day, and you’d rather celebrate that.
Dinner? A movie? Nope, can’t do. Too busy looking for the nearest county fair.
10. Aaand February 16th is National Do A Grouch A Favor Day, and that takes a TON of preparation.
Phew! No time to waste cutting out tiny paper hearts.
11. Because spending Valentine's Day alone means you don’t have to share your meal, attention, or wine with anybody else.
Let's face it — we're all a bit selfish. And when you’re young, you’re allowed to be! At this point in your life, you can only worry about one person, and one person only. Yourself!
12. Because your bathtub only fits one.
Sorry, no plus-ones allowed.
13. Because you want to spend the night pampering yourself.
Whether your plan is to make a batch of cookies and eat all the dough before it reaches the oven, or to take yourself out to dinner at your favorite restaurant, you deserve to carve time out of your busy schedule to cater to your needs. Treat yo self!
14. Because you want to avoid awkward encounters.
So that Tinder guy you’ve only spoken to via text has asked you out for Valentine's Day. But what if he’s actually a creep? What if he expects more than you’re willing to give? What if he looks nothing like his pics? Skip all the worrying, and spend the day alone. You’ll thank yourself later.
Images: Giphy (14)