When I think of really impressive child singers, my default is Joanna from Love Actually with her killer pipes singing "All I Want For Christmas Is You." But in case you haven't looked at a calendar lately, it's 2015, meaning that movie came out a whopping 12 years ago, and Joanna is far from a kid anymore. The good news is, plenty of amazing child singers have stepped up to take her place, both to perpetually wow us and to remind us that we are still less accomplished than they are in are adulthood, let alone when we were in grade school.
What is especially unique about growing up as an exceptionally talented kid these days is that you can make your talents ridiculously accessible to people in a way that earlier generations couldn't. We have learned that this trend of discovering talented young'uns on the internet is a double edged sword: While it brought us the adorable talents of Lennon and Maisy, it also reaped creations such as Justin Bieber. But we will take the good, the bad, and the rabid army of beliebers, because otherwise we would miss out on some truly talented kids like these little babes:
Jeffrey Eli Miller singing "Will You Marry Me?"
The now 14-year-old singer has made a name for himself with his unreal singing clips on Vine. Adorably enough, he had to beg to get a Vine account after his mom freaked out about the first Instagram video of himself singing attracting 3,000 followers within a few days.
Anna Christine singing "House Of The Rising Sun"
Anna, who was ten at the time this was filmed, hails from Nevada and was featured on America's Got Talent, where she wowed the judges with her stunningly mature voice, piano skills, and confident presence. Seriously, she sings with the emotional depth of a person four times her age.
Asanda Jezile singing "Diamonds"
The deceptively soft-spoken 11-year-old debuted on Britain's Got Talent, citing Beyoncé's fierceness as her inspiration. (We feel you.) Once you hear her belt, you'll be thinking Beyoncé might want to take a page out of her book.
Jack Vigden singing "I Have Nothing"
The 14-year-old sang for the judges on Australia's Got Talent with a stunning rendition of the Whitney Houston song that is unlike any version of it that you'll ever hear again. Guys, one of the judges CRIED.
Connie Talbot singing "Rolling In The Deep"
Only 11 years old when she covered the Adele hit, Talbot gained notoriety for her incredible voice wowing the judges of Britain's Got Talent at the age of seven. SEVEN. She has been producing albums since then and has toured worldwide.
Chrisia Todorova singing "Listen"
The petite singer wowed judges on Brazilian TV with her powerful rendition of the Beyoncé song at the age of 9, and has been fearlessly belting out powerful covers of American songs ever since.
Toby Randall singing "Run"
Another kid climbing up to singing fame via Vine, Toby is only 13 and has accumulated over a million followers. Anyone who can convey that kind of emotion into the six seconds of the Nicole Scherzinger song he covers deserves all that and more.
Madison Garcia singing "Just Give Me A Reason"
This adorable little girl was only 10 when her babysitter filmed this snippet of the Pink and fun. duet, launching her Vine stardom. Since then, her mother has been helping her post videos to YouTube, where she has gotten thousands of well-earned views.
Malakai Paul singing "Listen"
Proof that you can never have too much Beyoncé, 9-year-old Malakai rocked this song on Britain's Got Talent, even after stopping in the middle because he was so overcome by it that he cried. He rallied like a total champion, and I'm just saying, if you don't also cry during this, you're probably dead inside.
Claudya Fritska singing "I Surrender"
You would never guess from the richness in this little girl's voice that she is only 12 years old. Blinded by cancer in her childhood, she went on to hone her singing talent and astonish judges on Indonesia's Got Talent.
Karolien Goris singing "Make You Feel My Love"
The 11-year-old covers the Adele version of the song, and I'm an official conspiracy theorist, because this kid is obviously Adele's long lost little sister and someone should tell them immediately so they can reunite and make beautiful music together.
Jimboy Garcia singing "All Of Me"
It doesn't say how old this little guy from the Philippines is, but if his remarkable voice on this John Legend cover is any indication, it won't be long before we hear a lot more from him.
Angelina Jordan singing "Gloomy Sunday"
This 7-year-old has mastered the art of old-timey, jazzy singing at an unbelievable level for someone who has been on the planet for such a short time. She performed for Norway's Got Talent and received a standing ovation for the Billie Holiday song.
Avery and the Calico Hearts singing "Baby"
I can't even believe these girls are REAL. They are all between the ages of 9 and 10, and they are like the human version of the Chipettes, except somehow MORE adorable, talented, and sassy. Their harmonies SLAY.
Image: YouTube