Here's Your Epic Full Trailer For 'GOT' Season 5

Just when you thought the Super Bowl was the only amazing thing that you had to be excited about on a Friday, George R. R. Martin and HBO proved you very wrong. The full-length Season 5 trailer for Game of Thrones has leaked onto the Internet and it is haunting, epic, and, more importantly, longer than two seconds. It's our first real look into the conflicts and vendettas that are swirling in Westeros when the show returns in April, and, as far as first looks go, it is everything. I'm not even sure I can properly prepare you for what you are about to witness.
The trailer takes us back to some familiar — if not beloved — faces, from Cersei to Tyrion to the Khaleesi herself as the voice overs and clips give us a hint as to their mind sets and goals in the upcoming season. Perhaps the best line in the entire trailer is the one spoken by Daenerys: "I'm not going to stop the wheel. I'm going to break the wheel." I got shivers you guys. Like, actual goosebumps on my flesh, it was that good. In fact, the entire trailer is that good, keeping you in suspense, keeping you on the edge of your seat, keeping you begging for more Game of Thrones now.
However, now is happening in April, so you'd best watch the trailer again and again while you wait. After all, Season 5 already looks to be a season with more danger, more deception, more destruction (and more boobs) than ever before. Check out the trailer below.
Image: Helen Sloan/HBO