The Best Facebook Soap Opera This Week

Why are UK tabloids so much better than ours? From London-based Metro — the world's largest free morning newspaper — comes the tale of "a cheating husband (who) vowed to win back his ex-wife" by getting a bunch of Facebook likes on his admission of a one-night stand. In case you need a break from reading about the government shutdown and health insurance exchanges, here's a heartwarming story of modern love for your workday reading pleasure.
The wife, Sonya Gore, allegedly vowed to take back her estranged husband Ivan Lewis if he posted a photo holding a sign about his indiscretion and it got more than 10,000 likes. So Lewis did, holding a handwritten sign saying: "I cheated on my wife!!! (and she was ugly!!!)."
I feel like maybe Lewis should have run this sign by an editor first. The sign — which got more than 15,000 likes — is not terribly clear about who is ugly. Perhaps that why Gore was like: Psych! Not really gonna happen. But Lewis was undeterred!
According to the UK Mirror, which calls Lewis the "love rat" (step it up, U.S. tabloids, step it up!), Lewis asked his wife via Facebook post to marry him again. Don't worry, it has a happy ending:
So, that's cute, though I much prefer Gore's brilliant initial response:
I'm really starting to hope it works out for these crazy kids.
Photo via Ivan Lewis' Facebook page