A Timeline Of 'Little Women: LA' Cast Success

The cast of Little Women: LA are all at exciting points in their lives, be it because of an unexpected pregnancy, a surprising new direction for their careers, or a new marriage. But seeing how they sometimes struggle to make things happen, it's a reminder that the ages of the Little Women: LA cast doesn't impact how much they've been able to accomplish. The show may be designed to show that little people live completely normal lives, but it also shows how normal it is for a group of women to all be in different stages of their careers and personal lives at different times.
By the time most of these ladies made it through their 20s, they'd already made (and often changed) successful careers, but most of them hadn't met their husbands or started a family — and even those who were married or had kids didn't always see things work out perfectly. This season, we're seeing that some of them are still looking for the perfect relationship or aren't totally satisfied with their jobs.
And you can always count on their Instagrams to deliver truly adorable Throwback Thursdays... memories from growing up, embarrassing school photos, very '90s hair — anything that lets you know it all just gets better with age. Here are some timelines of the cast's lives to show just how much they've each accomplished, and how different all of their paths have been.
Terra: Age 34
-Age 21: Worked with Tonya for the third time, prompting a friendship that would last for the next 13 years.
-Age 24: Started impersonating Britney Spears, a gig that would last a decade.
-Age 33: Performed with Miley Cyrus on the Bangerz tour, until she left to start filming Little Women: LA Season 1.
-Age 33: Fulfilled her lifelong dream to have a dance music video with "Booty Bee." Terra had an awesome thirty-third year.
-Age 34: Became pregnant with her first child with boyfriend Joe Gnoffo, and is due in March 2015.
Tonya: 40s
-1984: Joined the entertainment industry as a stuntwoman and actress.
-1991: Had her daughter, Angelique, who she's raised as a single mother.
-2000: Her relationship with Angelique's father, Kerwin, became an open, separated relationship.
-2008: Started performing as "mini Beyoncé," alongside good friend Terra, who would play "mini Gaga."
-2012: Started dating again, after Angelique went away to college... that is some motherly devotion.
Elena: Age 29
-Age 16: Started communicating with little people online because it was her only outlet.
-Age 26: Left Russia, the country where she was born and grew up, in order to come to the U.S.
-Age 26: Got married to her wonderful and supportive husband, Preston
-Age 28: Opened her Britney Spears lookalike show on Dec. 27, 2013, which happens to be the same exact day that Britney opened her own Vegas show.
-Age 29: Started thinking about leaving the entertainment industry for graphic and fashion design rather than having kids. We'll see what she decides.
Briana: Age 32
-Age 26: Was married to Leif Manson, the very first little person contestant on Survivor.
-Age 27: Had her daughter, Leiana, with Manson. Now Briana is currently a stay-at-home mom, among many other things, taking care of the utterly adorable Leiana.
-Age 31: Started pursuing her singing career after going through a divorce.
-Age 32: Swore off dating little people... and started a new relationship with Matt that so far is moving incredibly fast.
Traci: Age 39
-Age 9: Received the Cabbage Patch Kid in that Instagram!
-Age 26: Became friends with fellow performers like Christy and Terra while working as a stand-in and actress.
-Age 36: Started dating Eric online after meeting on a dating site for little people — the two moved in together quickly, but didn't consumate the relationship until after their wedding because of Traci's religious beliefs.
-Age 39: Graduated from college in hopes of becoming an onset teacher.
-Age 39: Got married to Eric, and started trying to conceive a child.
Christy: 30s
-Age 19: Was in front of the camera for the first time.
-2002: Had one of her biggest onscreen role in Death to Smoochy and met some of her friends like Traci.
-1999: Had her two kids, Autumn and Trenton.
-2013: Met Todd, and the two got along so well that they were married by the end of Season 1.
-2014: Started trying for another baby with Todd just after her wedding.
-2015: Celebrated five years sober, capping off her new marriage
Image: Richard Knapp/Lifetime