Love is in the air for Barry Allen and Caitlin Snow, well not Barry and Caitlin, but you know what I mean. Sorry, 'shippers, but while the upcoming Flash episode "Crazy For You" promises romance, it's not between The Flash and his scientist friend. Here's what the official episode description reveals about the Feb. 3 installment of The Flash.
"Caitlin decides that she and Barry need to move on from Ronnie and Iris and find new loves so she takes him for a night out at the local karaoke bar. Caitlin doesn't have any luck making a love connection but Barry meets Linda Park, a sports reporter for the Central City Picture News, and asks her out on a date. When Barry tells Iris he has a date, Iris is surprised by her reaction."
Ooh, la la! First of all, I am not surprised that Iris is surprised to find she has feelings for Barry, if that's what the description means. Bless her heart. Second of all, I know Glee fans perked up at the word "karaoke" — are we finally going to hear Grant Gustin sing on this show? Broadway and Smash alum Andy Mientus is in this episode too as Hartley Rathaway, aka Pied Piper. It would be nice if he could put his evil-doing on hold and take the mic for a song or two. Or, you know, original Rent cast member Jesse L. Martin, who plays Iris' dad Joe West. Anyway, enough with my dreams of a musical episode of The Flash. Why is this episode called "Crazy For You"? There's a Filipino soap opera called Crazy For You , but I don't think that's what the title is referencing.
Crazy For You is also the title of a musical comedy that was compiled in the 1990s from a variety of George and Ira Gershwin numbers. You have to say "numbers" instead of songs when you're talking about something this old-timey, don't you know? The musical is a love story, which makes it thematically appropriate for this Flash outing. The plot bears a striking resemblance to White Christmas, but I'll let that go for now. Here's one of the many classic numbers you can find.
Wouldn't you expect Barry Allen, the scientist who can't get drunk, to go into a karaoke bar and try to impress you with his best old-fashioned croon? The genre totally fits his character, in my humble opinion.
Of course, the phrase itself means that you like somebody. Love drives us crazy. It's no different than being cuckoo for cocoa puffs. Or, you know, the Beyoncé song. So the episode title could be simply referring to those lingering feelings that Barry and Caitlin are attempting to fight for their respective love interests.
Unless... is this some kind of spooky double entendre? Is a metahuman going to use his or her powers to literally drive someone crazy, in love or otherwise? I'm all for antiquated ways of telling someone you're into them, but this one could have dire consequences. You can't have a Valentine's Day episode of a supernatural series without some kind of love potion.
However, I honestly kind of doubt that that's the case. I think the episode title is referring to Barry and Caitlin's adventure in song and nothing else. In addition to the Gershwin musical, there is a Madonna song called "Crazy For You," and it's kind of the perfect drunk karaoke choice for Caitlin. I'm just saying.
Images: Katie Yu/The CW; Giphy