By now, everyone who owns some sort of a screen surely heard about the latest beauty pageant answer gone wrong: Miss Utah Marissa Powell's rambling, confused response to a question about the gender wage gap at this year's Miss USA competition. The 21-year-old, who finished as third runner-up, has been garnering plenty of attention for her gaffe, which, naturally, is leading to more opportunities.
This morning, Powell appeared on the Today show, where she tried to explain to Matt Lauer what happened on Miss USA's stage, and was even given a chance to try her answer again. "It needs to be equal pay for equal work," she said. "It's hard enough already to earn a living, and it shouldn't be harder just because you're a woman." (Check out the video here.)
So she somewhat redeemed herself, but what's next? Miss Utah is certainly getting more attention than any of her fellow competitors — and that includes the pageant's winner, Miss Connecticut Erin Brady. So how will Miss Utah use her 15 minutes of fame? Reality show? Music video? We have some better ideas for the woman who hoped to "create education better."
Volunteer for an Underprivileged School
Powell put it, well, not best, but she had the right idea: "We need to try to figure out how to create education better." Why not improve the system herself by volunteering for YouthBuild USA or the American Association for University Women? She can help a school in need, maybe host a fundraiser, help out in a classroom — but she might want to stay away from the debate team.
Work with a Group for Young Women
Maybe Powell can spend some time motivating girls to work hard. Help them go after their dreams and not let discouraging statistics get in their way. The Boys & Girls Clubs of America and Girl Scouts USA can probably use some more help.
Start a Support Group for Embarrassed Beauty Queens
As much as we'd like to think Powell will use her fame to give back, it's doubtful. Maybe she'd at least be willing to help other pageant contestants who have struggled with the interview portion. Hey, 2007's Miss South Carolina Teen USA Caitlin Upton would probably be the first to sign up.