That. Was. Insane. Seriously, you guys. For a show that centers around its shock appeal, this scene was even crazy by those standards. After being rightfully put in his place for being an absolute douche, Dandy murdered every freak in AHS: Freak Show and boy was it disturbing. OK, so it wasn't actually every freak. Desiree and Jimmy are still alive and kicking (thank God) as are the twins, Bette and Dot, who Dandy spared (in holy matrimony). But damn did it sure feel like it was everyone.
Starting with Paul, Dandy took his gun and starting killing them all off, one-by-one. Penny… Legless Suzi… Toulouse… EVE! He picked them off like flies. I mean, it's not as if we didn't all know Dandy had this kind of hatred and cruelty in him. (We all saw his Tupperware Party Massacre.) But I thought he had a soft spot for his little troupe that couldn't just be stomped out with an unkind word or two (that he more than deserved).
This was almost as hard to watch as Ma Petite's death. Almost. They all just never saw it coming and did nothing to deserve such treatment. (Worst employer ever, I think we all can agree?) Suffice to say, it appears out dear Mr. Mott has a very hard time accepting any form of criticism. (As an only-child myself, I know the signs well.) Perhaps a life in show business isn't in the cards for him after all.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go wipe my memory that this horrible event ever took place. BRB.
Images: Michele K. Short/FX