Mindy's Love Interests on 'The Mindy Project' Ranked from Most Obnoxious to Least

Mindy Kaling’s The Mindy Project features some of the sharpest comedy writing on television, as well as a charmingly flawed protagonist, successful obstetrician, Mindy Lahiri. Until the very end of last season when she met her (dubious) Prince Charming, Mindy was tragically unlucky in love, dating one obnoxious bozo after the other. Let’s take a closer look at the men who make up Mindy’s ragtag group of former love interests in order of their obnoxiousness.
Photos: FOX
Mindy Kaling’s The Mindy Project features some of the sharpest comedy writing on television, as well as a charmingly flawed protagonist, successful obstetrician, Mindy Lahiri. Until the very end of last season when she met her (dubious) Prince Charming, Mindy was tragically unlucky in love, dating one obnoxious bozo after the other. Let’s take a closer look at the men who make up Mindy’s ragtag group of former love interests in order of their obnoxiousness.
Photos: FOX
Brendan Deslaurier
I know, I know, it’s Mark Duplass — I’m required by indie fangirl law to love him. Except his character Brendan Deslaurier is a smarmy, food nazi midwife who steals Mindy’s clients, and then dumps all over her heart. Plus, his obsessions with yoga, hiking, and homeopathy are more pretentious than they are actually useful. Good riddance, DesLaurier (but please forgive me, oh sacred Mark Duplass).
Josh Daniels
Red-bull drinking, game-talking, two-timing, coke-snorting Josh Daniels was Mindy’s loud-mouthed lawyer boyfriend, and just like he fooled her, he fooled me, too. Since he was so undeniably obnoxious, when he did sweet things like co-host a Christmas party with Dr. L, I loved him more for it. But alas, he was an obnoxious cheater. The only reason he’s not higher up on the list, apart from his stiff competition from Midwife Deslaurier, is that many of his reprehensible actions can (and were attributed onscreen) to his drug addiction.
Tom McDougall
Tom is such a punk. He left Mindy high-and-dry, and then accused her of chasing after him like a “loose woman” when he drunkenly stumbled upon her at a bar. He occasionally sports an earring, hangs out at college frat parties, and plays basketball aggressively and terribly. If he wasn’t played by national treasure, Bill Hader, he would probably earn the top spot on this list.
Casey Pearson
Mindy’s white knight/fiancé, Casey is a hip pastor who indulges in rap sessions with God and delivers sermons DJ-ed by Moby. Exactly: he's practically the definition of obnoxiousness. More importantly, he peed on Mindy’s wedding dress, and after realizing his fatal error, wanted to continue peeing. Still, props to him for volunteering in Haiti, encouraging Mindy to be a better person, and possessing enough social skills to lead a congregation.
Too many sweater vests and vaguely lecherous smiles condemn Dennis to a forgettable but generally unlikeable status. Moreover, he cheated on his girlfriend with Mindy, revealing his weak side. Like most of Ed Helms’ characters, Dennis displays a more tempered form of obnoxiousness, landing him in the middle of this list.
Ryan and Kelly together again! Except not. Jamie was way too in love with his best friend Lucy to be in any position to date Mindy. The Latin professor schtick was cute at first, but by his double-date with Danny and Lucy, it was clear he was a jealous man-child more comfortable delivering petty jabs than actually communicating. Boo, Ryan. I expected more from you. Namely, blonde highlights.
Sure, he’s a male prostitute, but he means well. Overall, Adam is a nice guy, but he’s a terrible musician, and he should keep his songwriting to himself. For that, he earns this coveted spot on the obnoxiousness list.
Jeremy Reed
Before Dr. Reed started stress-eating and acting like a human being, he relied on his co-worker Mindy for booty calls. Dashing, British, and handsome, the only things that made Dr. Reed obnoxious were his vanity, self-importance, and unwillingness to commit to Mindy. But to be fair, he was always upfront about not wanting to commit, in the dark, sad world of The Mindy Project love interests, that’s not a serious enough offense to warrant a lower rating.
Played by an unusually adorable Seth Rogen, Sam is by far the most socially adept and likeable of Mindy’s love interests. Sam was Mindy’s childhood sweetheart, keeping her laughing and smiling while they attended Jewish camp. Years later, he still keeps her laughing and smiling, while also serving his country as a bona fide soldier. Oh, he appreciates the value of good hygiene. Come back, Sam!