It's bad enough that Glee felt it imperative to dedicate not one, but two whole episodes to their shitty Beatles covers, but this is just a disgrace. Via TVRage — which is the perfect term for what I am feeling right now: RAGE — Fox has released four new promotional images for the upcoming second Glee x The Beatles episodes, which are basically Beatles album covers recreated by Glee cast members. In other words, THEY'VE GONE TOO FAR.
The first promotional image, which can be viewed above, features Blaine, Sam, Artie, and Tina superimposed over an image of The Beatles' 1969 Abbey Road cover. This is already terrible, but clearly no one cared, because there are more: A remake of 1963's With the Beatles cover, 1968's White Album cover, and 1970's Let It Be, WHICH THEY ACTUALLY RENAMED LET IT GLEE.
American Idol should have taught these guys that no one can actually cover a Beatles song well, unless they're Fiona Apple singing "Across the Universe."
Ugh. You can check out the remaining two images below, if you can stomach it. The second Glee x The Beatles episode will air on Fox on Oct. 3.
[Images via TVRage]