7 Forgotten 'Pretty Little Liars' Storylines
'Pretty Little Liars' has a lot on its plate. Red Coat, Ali's killer, Spencer's hats... with so much drama, how can we expect the show to return to its forgotten plotlines? Luckily, obsessive fans like myself haven't forgotten a thing. Here are seven mysteries we're still scratching our heads over. Will we get answers come Season 4? [Images: ABC Family]
Remember When... ?
'Pretty Little Liars' has a lot on its plate. Red Coat, Ali's killer, Spencer's hats... with so much drama, how can we expect the show to return to its forgotten plotlines? Luckily, obsessive fans like myself haven't forgotten a thing. Here are seven mysteries we're still scratching our heads over. Will we get answers come Season 4? [Images: ABC Family]
What happened to Holden?
Oh, Holden. He was Aria's potential love interest back in Season 2 when she was keeping Ezra a secret from her parents. Holden was keeping a secret, too — he was an amateur martial arts fighter... with a heart condition. But Holden also ended up being the one to lead Emily to Noel Kahn's party, where her ex Maya was last seen alive. Afterwards, Holden was never seen or heard from again. So, what's the deal? Are we supposed to forget all about Holden? I think that "Haria" fans would disagree.
Where did Kate go?
Kate was a fairly major player in the 'PLL' book series, but her time on the show ended quickly. After becoming a student at Rosewood, Kate pranks Hanna and gets herself (maybe?) suspended. While some fans suspected Kate was working with Mona, that theory never played out. Instead, Kate virtually disappeared from the series... even though she was supposed to be going to school with Hanna and living in Rosewood.
What IS the N.A.T. Club?
I know that they're... bad? Maybe? They made... videos? I don't really get it. In Season 1 and 2, the N.A.T. Club was the prime suspect for Ali's murder. A — or someone equally as evil — keeps killing off members. But what did the N.A.T. Club do besides film people through their windows? It's been four seasons... I'd like an answer.
What happened to Lucas and Caleb's bromance?
I love Hanna and Caleb, but Lucas and Caleb were BFF! Lucas has been MIA for way too long, and now that Caleb is going to 'Ravenswood,' I'm terrified that the show won't fix their broken friendship.
What happened with Melissa and Garrett?
I'm still on the fence about whether Melissa is really the evil, yogurt-stealing monster that the show sometimes makes her out to be. But the fact remains that Melissa and Garrett were seen getting awfully cuddly last season before his arrest. Maybe getting to know their connection would be useful for the liars. Unless they've totally forgotten about it.
Will we ever find out more about Ashley's ghostly encounter?
HOW CREEPY WAS THAT GIRL? Hanna's mom Ashley — who was dressed as a sexy nurse, clearly trying to impress her Pastor boyfriend — encountered a maybe-ghost while handing out candy on Halloween... a ghost who happened to be the same girl as the one from the "evil twin" story that Ali told Hanna on the previous Halloween. The biggest theory? The little girl is — or was — Ali. So, 'PLL,' are we going to follow up on this?
Where is Mike?!
He's robbing houses one minute, clinically depressed the next, and then — poof! — he's gone. We don't really care when Byron goes MIA but at least his lack of presence is acknowledged in the Montgomery household.