21 Pet Halloween Costumes That Are Adorable/Ridiculous/Emotionally Scarring
One of the best thing about pets is that they're usually covered in fur that is fluffy and lovely and cuddly and it just makes them too cute to resist. But then there comes that magical time of year when, by some weird loophole in laws on animal abuse, we are allowed to dress them in something else furry and cuddly and lovely, which makes them even more irresistible. PET COSTUMES. Are they morally questionable? For sure. Are they so gosh darn cute you can't think straight? YES. OF COURSE THEY ARE. So buckle up and keep a tight hold on your ovaries, or you might find yourself running full tilt towards the nearest pet store to procure yourself a little something cuddle and fuzzy and wonderful.
Image: BlueBulli via Etsy
23 Ways To Make Your Pet Look Adorably Absurd
One of the best thing about pets is that they're usually covered in fur that is fluffy and lovely and cuddly and it just makes them too cute to resist. But then there comes that magical time of year when, by some weird loophole in laws on animal abuse, we are allowed to dress them in something else furry and cuddly and lovely, which makes them even more irresistible. PET COSTUMES. Are they morally questionable? For sure. Are they so gosh darn cute you can't think straight? YES. OF COURSE THEY ARE. So buckle up and keep a tight hold on your ovaries, or you might find yourself running full tilt towards the nearest pet store to procure yourself a little something cuddle and fuzzy and wonderful.
Image: BlueBulli via Etsy
Sweet Jesus, look at those two little dogs, laboring so nobly to bring you a present. Oh wait, just kidding, it's just one dog in the best costume ever. Because any costume that makes one cute dog into two cute dogs, with a present no less, is guaranteed to win my heart.
Image: ShinyHappyHead via Reddit
Santa Claw-You-In-The-Face
I guess it’s less the Santa costume and more that this would leave most cats thoroughly disgruntled. What could be better than a perturbed, furry Santa? Also, if you’ve noticed the excessive coverage of cat costumes, let it be openly pointed out that anything a dog can wear, a cat can wear better. Bite me, dog lovers.
Image: Draco _Dormiens via Reddit
Mrs. Claws
Hahaha Mrs. Claus like Mrs. Claus! Although, truth be told, I can see a very easy transition into a kitty Strawberry Shortcake costume here, which is both confusing and intriguing. Mrs.Claws/Strawberry Shortcat, the outfit so nice you can use it twice?
Image: SaraFist via Reddit
Hamster Put A Spell On You
So being a witch for Halloween is the female equivalent of going as a football player. (Sigh, you’re soooo original, throwing on a jersey for the most popular sport in the country... ugh yes I’ll go home with you.) Buuuut THIS IS A HAMSTER WITCH. So teeny and fuzzy and weirdly sinister, huh?
Image: Breyskja via Reddit
It might be a sign that I’ve looked at far too many pet costume pictures today, but I find this costume relatively regal. Not only are triceratops cute to begin with, but how can you resist a dog with horns AND a plate of bone made by plushy stuff? You can’t.
Image: California Costumes via Amazon
You Can Dress Your Dog As... A Blonde Bombshell?
This is not cute. This is disturbing. What self-respecting pet owner would ever engineer to put their pet in something THAT GIVES THEM BOOBS. HUMAN BOOBS. This should be a violation of something because I feel violated after looking at it. I’m sorry I did this to you all.
Image: Pup-A-Razzi via Amazon
Your Dog As Bacon, Because Of Course
So here’s a dog as bacon because bacon is confusingly trendy right now and anything that is good as/with other things has been modified to be bacon-related. So… yeah.
Image: Rasta Imposta via Amazon
AGAIN WITH THE BOOBS. Is it less weird because the dog is meant to be Madonna? Or more weird because at the end of the day, that’s a canine in a wig with cone boobs?
Image: Pup-a-razzi via Amazon
Mr. T... Bone
I pity the pug! Although, is it just me or do an unusual amount of pet costume companies do photo shoots with pugs? Regardless, this costume is lean, mean, and takes no prisoners. Plus, doggy bling. How amazing is that?
Image: Animals Planets via Amazon
Poop Factory *Gag*
There is something ultimately repelling about this DIY doggy get-up, and yet here it is. However, I hasten to add that as humans we could easily wear the same thing, because, ya know,everyone poops. Let’s not be unfair to our canine companions unnecessarily.
Honey Boo Boo Dog
Look guys, it’s a Sugarbear costume for dogs! At the very least, y’all better redneckognize that a dog with a t-shirt and a beergut is going to get loads of laughs at whatever Halloween party you drag your dog to. Just don't let them get ahold of any Go Go Juice or you might have an issue.
The Horror... Oh The Horror
This outfit is actually called “Doginatrix.” As in a horrifying play on words between dog and dominatrix because C’MON GUYS THERE IS NOTHING FUNNY ABOUT SEXY DOG COSTUMES. My eyes will never be able to unsee this, and that makes me very sad. Enough said.
From A Sad Dog To An Angry Bird
There are no words left. None. Only a question: how many dogs-being-hurled-related fatalities will this costume cause?
Indiana Jones
It’s a dog, dressed up as a man! Indiana Jones, specifically. Although, you might not have gotten that at first — there’s something satisfying about seeing a dog dressed as a person when most of us spent our young children years dressing up as/pretending to be our dogs. Ah, it’s the circle of life, and it moves us all.
It's a Minion! And Your Dog! A Dogion! Miniog?
Just when you thought Minions couldn’t be any more cute, well, surprise! They can be. When the Minion is your dog. Plus, just look at the little eyes on top of the head, awwwwww.
Home, Home On The Range
This costume just goes to show that we, as a society, choose to overlook the indignities dog face every day. Like, potentially having to pose with A FRICKIN’ COVERED WAGON. There is just no way to recover from that.
Rayroy Runny Costume. No, I'm Not Kidding.
And just when you thought it couldn’t be worse than a pooch prairie wagon costume…. well, it can be. Now, your dog can be just as objectified as Playboy Bunnies can! Yayyyyy, interspecies objectification! Isn’t that just… disturbing. Really disturbing.
A Dress For Mutts To Mambo In
This costume is especially wonderful because it aspires to be a Latin-influenced dress, but, in reality, just makes the poor dog look like a mix between a piñata and a clown. But this would be a marvelous outfit to take your dog to the Pride Parade in, if the occasion arose. An outfit that multitasks? I like. I like very much.
Just to give your horrified brain a rest from the previous atrocities. Here’s a dog as a caterpillar. Cute, simple, and with no overarching themes of bestiality. What a relief.
Look, It's A Dog... As A Dog
And of course, your dog could just go as a dog. But not themselves of course, that would be absurd. No, better that your dog should go as this dog, a mad dog. Because your dog is never like that. Neeeeever.